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一、Transport Geography 运输地理

1-1课文:An international freight forwarder should be familiar with international trade routes.

注释:be familiar with: 熟悉... trade routes: 贸易线路


1-2 课文:He or she should have knowledge of main traffic routes, location of ports, trans-shipment points and inland centers.

注释:knowledge: 知识 (have knowledge of: 具备...知识,可以引申为“了解,熟悉” traffic routes: 运输线路 location: 位置 trans-shipment points: 转运地 inland centers: 内陆中心


1-3 课文:A freight forwarder should also have a general idea of the pattern of international trade and its changing trends.

注释:idea: 概念,注意,明白 pattern: 型式,模式 trend: 走向,方向,趋势,倾向

课文意思: 一个货运代理人还应该对国际贸易的模式和其改变的趋势有一个整体的概念。

二、Different Types of shipping services 不同类型的海上运输服务 (考试重点)

2-1 课文:The international shipping market offers four types of service, namely, conference lines, non-conference lines, non-vessel operation common carriers and tramp service.

注释:namely: 即,就是,换句话说(=that is) conference lines: 班轮公会运输 non-conference lines: 非班轮公会运输 non-vessel operation common carriers: 无营运船公共承运人 tramp service: 不定期船运输 (tramp: 在这里是指的“不定期航行”)


2-2 Conference Lines 班轮公会运输

2-2.1课文:A shipping conference is a group of shipping lines operating in any particular route under agreement to provide a scheduled service with a common tariff and a fixed itinerary of ports of call.(班轮公会的定义,了解一下)

注释:shipping conference:班轮公会 group: 团体,集团 shipping lines: 班轮运输 operating: 运行的,操作的 particular: 特殊的,特定的 under agreement: 按照协议的,在这里引申为“预定的” scheduled: 按船期表的 tariff:费率表,运费表(我们最常用的词义是“关税”) fixed:固定的 itinerary:路线,旅行计划 ports of call: 挂靠港,停靠港


2-2.2课文: The purpose of a shipping conference is to eliminate price competition among member lines and reduce outside competition by trying to capture most of the traffic for member lines through loyalty arrangements with shippers.

注释:purpose:目的 eliminate:消除,除去 price competition: 运价竞争 member lines: 会员公司 reduce:减少 outside competition: 外部竞争 capture:获得,争取(原义是“捕获”) traffic: 在这里是“买卖,交易”的意思 loyalty: 忠诚,忠实(loyalty agreement: 忠诚协议) shipper:托运人




1. Stability of freight rates. 稳定的运费率 (stability: 稳定,稳定性)

2. Regularity of services. 定期的运输服务 (regularity:定期,规则,规则性)


1. Rates are usually high. 费率一般很高

2. Rates do not fluctuate according to supply and demand as in a tramp service.费率不会像不定期船那样随供求关系的变化而变动。(fluctuate:变化,变动;supply and demand:供求)

3. Rules and procedures are inflexible.规则和程序不灵活(rules:规则;procedure:程序,手续;inflexible:不灵活的)

2-3 Non-conference lines 非班轮公会运输

2-3.1 课文:In recent years, along most international routes, non-conference lines have posed a challenge to conference system.

注释:in recent years: 近几年 along: 沿着 pose a challenge to: 对...提出挑战


2-3.2 课文:This is attributable to the development of containerization and emergence of many independent carriers.

注释:attributable: 可归于...的(be attributable to: 可归因于) containerization: 集装箱运输,货柜运输 emergence: 出现,发生 independent carriers: 独立承运人


2-3.3 课文:As a result, along some routes, the conference lines have been forced to come to terms with the non-conference lines in regard to rates, and terms and condition of service.

注释:as a result: 结果 be forced to: 被迫去做... come to terms: 达成协议,妥协,让步 in regard to: 关于(=regarding, with regard to) terms: 价钱,费用 condition: 条件。


2-4 Non-vessel operating common carrier (NVOCC) 无营运船公共承运人

2-4.1 课文:An NVOCC is a carrier who operates a regular scheduled service. He does not own or operate the vessels by which sea transportation is provided. (无船承运人的定义,了解一下)

注释:operate: 营运 vessel: 船舶 sea transportation: 海上运输


2-4.2 课文:Although the NVOCC is a carrier in his relationship with the actual shipper, he is a shipper in his relationship with the actual carrier.

注释:in relationship with: 与...的关系


2-4.3课文:He assumes the role of the principal and performs several functions.

注释:assume: 担任,承担(assume a role of: 担任...角色)principal: 主要的,最重要的,负责人(在这里是指“委托人”) function: 职责,功能,作用,效力


2-4.4 课文:He assumes responsibility for ocean carriers, both conference and non-conference lines.

注释:assume responsibility: 负责,承担责任ocean carrier: 海上承运人


2-4.5 课文:He renders a useful service by providing groupage or consolidation services, particularly to small shippers who do not have much bargaining power in negotiating rates.

注释:render: 给与 groupage or consolidation services: 拼箱或集运服务( groupage: 拼箱,拼装(小批量)货物consolidation: 拼箱,集运货物) bargaining: 讨价还价 negotiating rate: 谈判价


2-5 Tramp service 不定期船运输

2-5.1 课文:Tramp service has no fixed itinerary or schedule and is operated on any route according to supply and demand. (不定期船的定义,了解一下)

注释:according to :根据,按照


2-5.2 课文:Tramp vessels are usually chartered at negotiated rates, particularly when the quantity of cargo is large.

注释:charter: 租赁,包租

课文意思:通常是在谈判价格下租赁不定期船船舶,特别是当货物的数量很大的时候。 保险费、保险单、基本险别的几种类型与协会货物保险条款



