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2012-10-26 10:13:18 字体放大:  

本内容针对专业四级的英译汉 或汉译英,还有英语专业研究生翻译方向的考生。让我们一起每天都做些练习。翻译最大的特点,就是你必须真正掌握一定的词汇。


In the past 30 years, the country's overall sea level has risen 90 mm with the average offshore surface temperature going up by 0.9C, said State Oceanic Administration (SOA) spokesman Li Haiqing.

Shanghai has seen the sea level rise 115 mm, while Tianjin has seen the level rise as much as 196 mm.


这里,海平面为“sea level”,海平面上升表达为“sea level rises”;与之相关的词汇有

海温“offshore surface temperature”,海平面下降“surface subsidence”,毫无节制的开采地下水“indiscriminate exploitation of groundwater resources”。


In the past 30 years, the country's overall sea level has risen 90 mm with the average offshore surface temperature going up by 0.9C, said State Oceanic Administration (SOA) spokesman Li Haiqing.

Shanghai has seen the sea level rise 115 mm, while Tianjin has seen the level rise as much as 196 mm.


这里,海平面为“sea level”,海平面上升表达为“sea level rises”;与之相关的词汇有

海温“offshore surface temperature”,海平面下降“surface subsidence”,毫无节制的开采地下水“indiscriminate exploitation of groundwater resources”。