
2012-02-14 15:59:07 字体放大:  


On Behalf of the Consignor ( Exporter ) 货运代理人代表发货人(出口商)所要做的工作(考试重点)

1.Choose the route, mode of transport and a suitable carrier. 挑选运输线路,运输方式和合适的承运人。

注释:mode of transport: 运输方式 ; carrier: 承运人

2.Book space with the selected carrier. 跟选定的承运人联系订舱。

3.Take delivery of the goods and issue relevant documents such as the Forwarders’ Certificate of Receipt, the Forwarders’ Certificate of Transport, etc. 接收货物,并签发货运代理人收货证明书和货运代理人运输证明书。

注释:take delivery of : 接受;Forwarders’ Certificate of Receipt 货运代理人收货证明书(是代理人收到货物的凭证);Forwarders’ Certificate of Transport 货运代理人运输证明书(是证明代理人具备运输能力的凭证); issue: 发行,发布(在这里译为“签发”)

4.Study the provisions of the letter of credit and all Government regulations applicable to the shipment of goods in the country of export, the country of import, as well as any transit country; he would also prepare all the necessary documents. 研究适用于货物出口国家和进口国家,以及中转国家运输的信用证条款和所有政府规定,并准备所有必须的单证文件。

注释:provision: 条款; letter of credit : 信用证 applicable to ...: 适用于...; as well as: 也,又,以及;transit country: 中转国

5.Pack the goods, taking into account the route, the mode of transport, the nature of the goods and applicable regulations, if any, in the country of export, transit countries and country of destination.货物的包装,( 在货物包装时) 要考虑运输路线,运输的方式,货物的特性,如果有的话还要考虑出口国,中转国和目的地国家适用的规定。

注释:pack the goods 货物包装/打包; take into account: 考虑; the nature of the goods: 货物的特性; if any: 如果有的话

6.Arrange warehousing of the goods, if necessary. 如果有必要的话,要安排货物的仓储

注释:warehousing of the goods: 货物的仓储;if necessary: 如果有必要的话

7.W, eigh and measure the goods. 测定货物的重量和尺寸。

8.Draw the consignor’s attention to the need for insurance and arrange for the insurance of goods, if required by the consignor. 提醒发货人注意是否需要货物保险,如果发货人需要投保,则需安排货物的保险。

注释:draw one’s attention to...: 引起某人注意... ( 相当于“提醒某人注意...”);

9.Transport the goods to the port, arrange for customs clearance, related documentation formalities and deliver the goods to the carrier. 将货物运往港口,安排货物的清关,办理相关的单证上的手续并将货物交付给承运人。

注释:customs clearance: 海关清关;deliver the goods: 交付货物 documentation: 文件,单证

10.Attend to foreign exchange transactions, if any. 关注外汇交易

注释:foreign exchange transaction: 外汇交易

11.Pay fees and other charges including freight. 支付手续费和其他包括运费在内的费用

注释:fee : (偏向于手续费方面的)费用; charge: (偏向于因服务而索取的)费用; freight: 运费。

12.Obtain the signed bills of lading from the carrier and arrange delivery to the consignor. 从承运人那里获得签发的提单并将提单转让给发货人

注释:bill of lading:提单

13. Arrange for transshipment en route if necessary. 如果有必要的话,安排货物在途中的转运。

注释:transshipment: 转运; en route: = on the way 途中的

14. Monitor the movement of goods all the way to the consignee through contacts with the carrier and the forwarders’ agents abroad. 通过联系承运人和海外的货运代理,监控货物的运输直至货物交付给收货人。

注释:all the way: 由始至终

15. Note damages or losses, if any, to the goods. 记录货物的损坏和丢失。

16. Assist the consignor in pursuing claims, if any, against the carrier for loss of the goods or for damage to them. 如果货物有损失,需要帮助发货人向承运人就货物的损失提出赔偿。

注释:assist sb. in doing sth.: 帮助某人做某事;pursue/make claim against sb. for sth.: 就...向某人提出赔偿



