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2012-10-24 23:14:20 字体放大:  

本内容针对专业四级的英译汉 或汉译英,还有英语专业研究生翻译方向的考生。让我们一起每天都做些练习。翻译最大的特点,就是你必须真正掌握一定的词汇。

封口费:Hush money



Journalists from various media organizations were paid a total of 125,700 yuan not to report on a mine accident in Shanxi province on Sept 20, the General Administration of Press and Publication said Wednesday. Investigations by the local government revealed that dozens of journalists, some genuine and some not, went to the mine not to report on the accident, but to receive hush money.


Hush money意思是a bribe paid to someone to insure that something is kept secret.(为了让某人对某事保密而行的贿赂)。Hush做动词可以解释为“不要做声,掩盖”。所以,hush money就是为了防止某人揭露一个罪行或者一个丑闻而付给他的一笔钱。

这种做法由来已久,hush money这个习惯用语也至少有三百年的历史了。如:Taking hush money from the underworld gang, the witness kept his mouth shut about what he saw.(目击者从黑社会歹徒那里拿了“封口费”,对他见到的一切守口如瓶)。

我们还可以用hush up来表达“掩盖”某事的意思,hush the scandal up就是指的“把丑闻掩盖起来”。