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2014年高三英语词汇解析 Unit5 Getting the message




bridegroom n. a man who is about to be married or has recently been married新郎

heroine n. most important woman in a story, play, etc. 女主角;女主人公

n. very brave woman or girl女英雄

goddess n. female god 女神

Venus was a goddess worshipped by the Romans. 维纳斯是罗马人信奉的女神。

promotion n. the act of promoting or the fact of being promoted促进;促销

the promotion of learning 学术的促进

n. advancement in rank or responsibility 晋升

Our teacher has got a promotion. 我们的老师被提升了。

attach vt. to fasten, secure, or join系;附;粘[to, on]

The clerk attached a price tag to each article. 店员给每一件商品系上标价签。

vt to adhere, belong, or relate.附属 [to]

This hospital is attached to our medical department. 这所医院附属于我们医学系。

vt. to ascribe or assign 认为有(重要性等)

attached no significance to the threat 不重视这种威肋

legend n. an unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical 传奇;传说

There is a legend that… 有一个传说,说是…。

slogan n. a phrase expressing the aims or nature of an enterprise, an organization, or a candidate; a motto标语;口号

a phrase used repeatedly, as in advertising or promotion 广告语

catchy adj. attractive or appealing 吸引人的

a catchy idea for a new television series 为一部新电视系列剧出的吸引人的主意

adj. tricky; deceptive 有圈套的;欺骗的:

a catchy question on an exam 考试中设有陷阱的题目

point out tell about or show something 指出

He pointed out the importance of the work. 他指出这一工作的重要性。

discount vt. to sell or offer for sale at a reduced price 打折


