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2014年高三英语词汇解析 Unit5 Getting the message



policy n.[c] the general plan of a government, business, company, etc. 方针;政策

What is the government policy on education? 政府的教育政策是什么?

n. a course of conduct; a plan of action 计策

Honesty is the best policy. 诚实是上策。

spokesman n. a man who speaks on behalf of another or others发言人;代言人

spokeswoman n. a woman who speaks on behalf of another or others


illegal adj. wrong, not allowed by law 不合法的;犯法的

It is illegal to drive when you are drunk.. 喝醉了酒开车是违法的。

keep an eye out for 当心;警惕

bait n. 诱饵;鱼饵

target n. what you are trying to hit when you shoot a bullet or arrow 靶子;目标

The hunter's target was a wild animal. 这个猎人的目标是一只野兽。

n. something we aim to do or get 目标;指标

This book will be the target of bitter criticism. 这书会成为严格批评的对象。

bullet n.[c] a shot fired from a gun 子弹;枪弹

Every bullet has its billet. 每颗子弹都有归宿。

sneaker n. a sports shoe usually made of canvas and having soft rubber soles运动鞋

nutritional adj. 营养(品)的

nowadays [`nauEdeiz] adv. during the present time; now 现在;当今

Nowadays, advertisements can be found everywhere in any big city.


nephew n. son of your brother or sister 侄子;外甥

He was a nephew of my friend. 他是我朋友的侄子。

waitress n.[c] a woman or girl who serves food in a restaurant女服务员

The waitress is bringing the soup. 女服务员正把汤端来。

hostess n. a female host; the wife of the host女主人

The hostess brought us out a pot full of steaming coffee.


