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Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston in 1706. He is remembered as an inventor, writer, statesman, and signer of the Declaration of Independence.

His father was a soap-maker and candle-maker with a large family. At the age often, Ben was taken out of school and put to work in the shop.

The Franklin family lived near the water, so Ben learned to swim well and row small boats. But all great people were kids once and got into trouble. In writing about his life, Franklin wrote that he was a leader among the boys in his neighbourhood and sometimes led them into troubles.

There was a salt marsh(湿地)nearby. Ben decided to build a wharf(码头)there, so that they

could stand on it to fish. He showed his friends many stones, which were used for a new house. That evening, when the workmen were gone, he asked his friends to take all the stones away to build their wharf. Soon, Ben and his friends were discovered and several of them were corrected by their fathers.

And though Ben explained the usefulness of the work, his father told him that nothing was useful if he was not honest.

41. Ben once worked in a shop

42. Ben's wife was very beautiful

43. The workmen helped the boys to take all the stones away.

44. Ben's father told Ben to be honest

【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了美国著名的政治家科学家本杰明•富兰克林小时候的事情。他小时候就是“孩子王”, 经常与孩子们出去玩耍,也经常惹事端。当他向父亲解释理由的时候,父亲告诉他如果他不诚实没有事情是有用的。

41.T 细节理解题。根据短文中Ben was taken out of school and put to work in the shop.可知答案。

42. F 细节理解题。短文中并没有提到。

43.F 判断推理题。根据短文中That evening, when the workmen were gone, he asked his friends to take all the stones away to build their wharf.可知当工人们走了之后,他让朋友们把石头搬运走,工人并没有帮忙。

44.T 细节理解题。根据短文中his father told him that nothing was useful if he was not honest.可知他的父亲告诉他诚实的重要性。


A lot of earthquakes happen in the world every year. Why do earthquakes happen? Scientists tell us the outside of the earth is made of a number of different plates (板块). The plates move very slowly. Sometimes they stop and don’t move for a long time. When some of the earth’s plates move suddenly, an earthquake happens.

Many earthquakes happen under the sea. Sometimes they happen near mountains. In fact, earthquakes may happen anywhere on the earth.

During an earthquake, the shakings make rocks rise suddenly and even break open. Houses fall. People are killed or hurt. Sometimes whole villages or cities are destroyed.

Can we do something to keep ourselves safe from earthquakes? Scientists have studied earthquakes and made maps that show“earthquake belts”. In the areas in these belts, it’s possible for earthquakes to happen. In these areas we can make houses strong enough to stand against earthquakes.

In the future, scientists will be able to predict (预言) exactly when and where an earthquake will happen. They can tell us what to do and how to do it as well.

Judges the flowing sentences true (T) or false (F) according to the passages.

(    )61. Few earthquakes happen in the world every year.

(    )62. The outside of the earth is made of a number of different plates.

(    )63. We can do nothing to keep ourselves safe from earthquake.

(    )64. A map showing the earthquake belts tells people what kind of houses can stand in an earthquake.

(    )65. In the future, scientists can predict exactly when and where an earthquake will happen.




61.F.细节理解题,该题的题干中有一关键词“few”意为 “没有一些”,通过文章第一句话“A lot of earthquakes happen in the world every year.”就可以看出本题是错误的。

62.T.细节理解题。由文章的第一自然段“Scientists tell us the outside of the earth is made of a number of different plates (板块)”.可以看出,这句话是正确的。

63.F.细节理解题。由文章第四自然段,最后一句In these areas we can make houses strong enough to stand against earthquakes.可以看出,我们能够做一些事情使降低地震的破坏程度。故此题错误。


65. T.细节理解题,由文章最后一段话“In the future, scientists will be able to predict (预言) exactly when and where an earthquake will happen”。可知这句话是正确的。


There is quite a beautiful city in the southwest of Hunan Province. It is called Shaoyang. Here are two main rivers, Zijiang and Shaoshui, passing through the city. People once called it Baoqing in history.The earliest city was established here 2,500 years ago.

In the history of Shaoyang, we will never forget two persons —Wei Yuan and Cai E. Wei Yuan, the first person to know the west world, was a famous thinker in the Qing Dynasty. His book---World Geography Records was the first book to introduce the geography and history of western countries in China. Cai E was a general(将军) in China.He took part in the Xinhai Revolution(辛亥革命) in 1911.

If you come to Shaoyang. of course, don’t miss Mount Lang. It’s also a very beautiful place, which lies in Xinning County. Then the well-known traditional foods such as Zhuxie Wanzi, Lutofu and so on are very delicious. You can't miss them, either. Besides, people in Shaoyang are nice and friendly. If you need help, they will try to help you. Welcome to Shaoyang whenever you like!

41.Shaoyang lies in the southeast of Hunan Province.

42.In history , Shaoyang was called Baoqing.

43. The underlined phrase “World Geography Records” means《海国图志》in Chinese.

44. Cai E took part in the Xinhai Revolution in 1911.

45. Mount Lang belongs to Wugang.

【主旨大意】 本文介绍了湖南邵阳的地理位置、历史人物及风土人情等情况。邵阳人杰地灵,最早于2500年前建城,魏源、蔡锷等名人即生于此地;凉山是邵阳著名的旅游景点;邵阳的小吃也非常有名。

41. F  【解析】 根据短文1第段第1、2句“There is quite a beautiful city in the southwest of

Hunan Province. It is called Shaoyang.”可知答案。

42. T  【解析】 根据短文第1段第4句“People once called it Baoqing in history.”可知答案。

43. T  【解析】 根据历史知识可知,晚清时期的思想家魏源写的一本书名叫《海国图志》,它是中国近代史上第一部全面系统介绍世界历史地理的巨著。故本题叙述正确。

44. T  【解析】根据短文第2段最后2句“Cai E was a general(将军) in China. He took part in the Xinhai Revolution(辛亥革命)in 1911.”可知答案。

45. T  【解析】根据短文第3段前2句“If you come to Shaoyang, of course, don’t miss Mount Lang. It’s also a very beautiful place, which lies in Xinning County.”可知答案。





