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Carrots (胡萝卜 )are grown on farms and in small family gardens all over the world . They are easy to plant and easy to harvest ( 收获 ). They have a good taste.

When people think about carrots, a picture of a long, thin, orange-colored vegetable usually comes into their minds. But carrots come in many different sizes and shapes. And not all carrots are orange.

Carrots should be grown in sandy soil that does not hold water for a long time. The earth also should not be too hard. To prepare your carrot garden ,dig up the earth and turn it over (翻土)。

Weather, soil, condition and time affect (影响) the taste of carrots . Warm days and cool nights are the best time to grow great delicious carrots.

The best way to decide if a carrot is ready to be harvested is by its color. Usually, the brighter the color is, the better the taste is.

Most people do not know that carrots can be grown during the winter months. If the winter is not cold enough to freeze the ground, you can grow and harvest carrots the same way as you do during the summer months.

Carrots are prepared and eaten in many different ways. They ate cut into thin pieces and cooked with other vegetables or meat. Or, they are washed, and eaten just as they come out of the ground.

41. Carrots are easy to plant but hard to harvest

42. Carrots should be grown in a field without water for a long time.

43. The best way to decide if a carrot is ready to be harvested is by its size.

44. Everyone knows that carrots can be grown during the winter months.

45. We can prepare and eat carrots in many different ways.


41.【解析】选F。细节理解题。由第一段第二行“They are easy to plant and easy to harvest .”得知:胡萝卜很容易种植也很容易收获。与题目意思不符,所以选填 F。

42. 【解析】选T。细节理解题。由第三段第一行“Carrots should be grown in sandy soil that does not hold water for a long time ”得知:胡萝卜应该在没有水的沙地里种很长时间。与题目意思相符,所以选填 T 。

43. 【解析】选F。细节理解题。由第五段第一行“The best way to decide if a carrot is ready to be harvested is by its color ”得知:最好的判断胡萝卜是否到了收获季节是看它的颜色。与题目意思看它的尺寸大小不符,所以选填 F。

44. 【解析】选F。细节理解题。由第六段第一行“Most people do not know that carrots can be grown during the winter months.” 得知:大多数人不知道胡萝卜在冬季几个月里也能生长种植,与题目意思大多数人知道不符,所以选填 F。

45. 【解析】选T。细节理解题。由第六段第一行“Carrots are prepared and eaten in many different ways. ”得知:胡萝卜被以很多种方式准备和食用。与题目意思相符,所以选填 T 。

【2013 湖南衡阳】阅读短文,判断句子的正(T)误(F)。

A lot of people are crazy doing shopping through the Internet now. Why is it so popular? There are some reasons. First, more and more people have their own computers and their computers can be joined with the Internet. So it is possible for many of them to do shopping through the Internet. Second, shopping through the Internet can save them some money and a lot of time. Third, they don’t need to go to the shop themselves. Because of these good facts, few people refuse it.

On the other hand, some people don’t like this new way of shopping. They are worried about the safety of shopping on line. Customers(顾客) can only see the pictures of products(商品) on the Internet. And they can’t enjoy the pleasure of buying things in large supermarkets or some wonderful stores. These are the reasons why they do not like it.

But I think more and more people will like this new kind of shopping in the future.

41. Many people are interested in shopping on line.

42. Shopping on line can only save money.

43. All the productions on the Internet are good.

44. Some people dislike shopping online because they don’t have their own computers.

45. The writer of the passage supports(支持) shopping on line.



41. T 【解析】细节理解题,由文章开头第一句话a lot of people are crazy doing shopping through the Internet now中的关键词“crazy”意思是“疯狂的”,可知“很多人对在线购物感兴趣”是正确的。

42. F【解析】综合判断题。细读第一段内容可知“网购”有三个好处,其中“save money”只是其中之一,所以是错误的。

43. F【解析】推理判断题。从第二段“they are worried about the safety of shopping online”和 “Customers can only see the pictures of production on the Internet”可以推出人们担心的是网购的安全性,包括商品的质量好坏,所以“网上的所有商品都是好的”是错误的。

44. F【解析】细节理解题,从文章的第二段内容就可以看出人们不喜欢购物的原因不是“they don’t have their own computer”.

45. T【解析】推理判断题,从文章的最后一句话就可以看出。


Dolphins (海豚) are not fish. They are mammals (哺乳动物). They live in groups and speak to each other in their own language. But they aren’t the same as almost all land animals. Their brains are as big as men's and they live a long life一at least 20 or 30 years.

Like some animals, dolphins use some sounds to help them find their ways around.They also use sounds to talk to each other and to help them find food. They don’t use their ears to receive sounds, but use the jaws (下颚).

It’s strange that dolphins are friendly to men, and for thousands of years, there are many stories about dolphins and men. In the 19th century, in a dangerous part of the sea near New Zealand, there was a dolphin. The seamen liked him very much and gave him a very good name, Jack. From 1871 to 1903, Jack met every boat in the area and showed it the way. In 1903, a passenger on a boat with the name of “The Penguin” shot and hurt Jack. Luckily the dolphin didn’t die, and after a long time he was well again. He guided the ships through the area for nine more years, but he refused to help the boat “The Penguin”.

Today, some people still kill dolphins, but more people in the world protect them.

Judge the following sentences true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.

(    ) 66. Dolphins are not only fish but also mammals.

(    ) 67. Dolphins use their jaws to receive sounds.

(    ) 68. Jack is a name of a seaman.

(    ) 69. At last, Jack didn’t help the ship “The Penguin” any more.

(    ) 70. Today all people are protecting dolphins.


66. 【解析】F。细节理解题。由第一段第一句“Dolphins (海豚) are not fish.” 海豚不是鱼可见答案F。

67. 【解析】T。细节理解题。由第二段最后一句“They don’t use their ears to receive sounds, but use the jaws.” 他们不使用自己的耳朵接收的声音,而是使用下颚。所以答案T。

68. 【解析】F。细节理解题。由文中第三段“The seamen liked him very much and gave him a very good name, Jack.”,此处him指的是海豚,可见Jack是海豚的名字,所以答案F。

69. 【解析】T。细节理解题。由文中第三段最后一句“he refused to help the boat ‘The Penguin’” 可知它拒绝帮助那艘“企鹅号”船只,所以答案T。

70. 【解析】F。细节理解题。由文章最后一句“Today, some people still kill dolphins, but more people in the world protect them.” 今天,有些人仍然杀海豚,但更多的人在世界上保护他们可知不是所有人都在保护企鹅,所以答案F。

【2013陕西】                         A

Hawaii has always been a magic name to people who like traveling. People from all over the world dream of seeing the beautiful islands in the middle of the ocean. It’s always one of their dreams to watch the sun going down. The sun drops like a ball of bright fire into the sea, and it drops so quickly that you can even see it move.

About two thousand years ago, the first people went to Hawaii in a very small boat. They found the beautiful white sand beaches and the waving palm trees. But it was difficult for people to go to Hawaii at that time. And there were no big hotels like the ones today. Now people can get to Hawaii in different ways. More and more people go to Hawaii. So lots of nice big hotels have been built in recent years. However, the scenery (自然景色) in Hawaii hasn’t changed much. The white sand beaches and the waving palm trees are still there. People often have a peaceful time, taking a walk along the water in the morning. At night, they get together to hold parties, chatting and dancing. So if you’re thinking about relaxing yourself, Hawaii is surely the first place for you to choose.

41. The sun in Hawaii drops too quickly for people to see it move.

42. In Hawaii, a large number of nice big hotels have been built in recent years.

43. The scenery in Hawaii is quite different from what it was many years ago.

44. According to the passage, it’s common for people to hold parties in Hawaii at night.

45. The passage mainly tells us the first people who came to Hawaii.

【答案】41.B  42.A  43.B  44.A  45.B


41.B  根据第一段最后一句 it drops so quickly that you can even see it move.可知,“太阳下降的如此的快,甚至你能看出它在移动”。而此句意为“夏威夷的太阳下降得太快,人们看不出它在移动”,故选B。

42.A  此句与第二段第七句句意相符,意为“最近几年大量豪华的宾馆被建设了起来”,故选A。


44.A  根据第二段倒数二三两句可知,人们经常在夏威夷举办聚会,故选A。

45.B  短文主要告诉我们夏威夷的美丽景色被发现被开发的过程,而不是主要介绍第一批到达夏威夷的人,故选B。


 

根据上文内容判断正(误( 

, 


【解析】细节理解题。由第一段的第二句, 可知,不是科学家在研究,所以错误。



【解析】词义辨析题。由第二段中的 可知,他有超过只不同种类的昆虫,所以正确。


