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From birth, your child is a sensory sponge, taking in the world with the five senses of vision, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. And the quality of these experiences has a deep effect on the development of a baby's brain. But while you may feel obligated to constantly entertain your child or buy complicated toys that seemingly guarantee rich sensory experiences, experts say that simple, thoughtful, consistent interaction is all a child needs to develop his senses and mind.

Joshua Sparrow, MD, a psychiatry professor at Harvard Medical School and co-author, with parenting authority T. Berry Brazelton, of Touchpoints—Birth to Three, recommends that parents help their child discover the world through his senses "not by necessarily doing a whole lot but by following their lead. [With a] four-month old who is looking to reach, you might move the object a little closer to [him] when [he] looks like [he's] going to give up." You can also go easy on buying electronic toys with a lot of bells and whistles (and expensive price tags to boot). Experts say this kind of toy tends to be one-way interactive, with the toy "talking" at the child.

Instead, take advantage of natural opportunities to sharpen your child's senses and brain:

1. Go for a walk.

For many moms, walks are a great way to soothe a baby and a gentle way to get in shape after delivery. But they're also an excellent opportunity to help your child engage her senses. For instance, if you stop to smell the roses on your stroll, your baby will not only understand that flower's scent, but she can also touch the petals (look for thorns!), see the pretty colors, and hear your description of what you're doing.


