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高二英语下册第4单元重难点:Freedom fighters(人教版)




高二英语下册第4单元重难点:Freedom fighters(人教版)

【Freedom fighters知识点】

1. Martin Luther King. Jr formed an organization for American black leaders to work together in 1957. 马丁.路德.金在1957年组成了一个为黑人领袖们共同工作的组织。(P.25 Martin Luther King, Jr 第五点) ★ form vt.

(1) vt. 组织,组成 He formed a class for beginners. 他成立了一个初学班。

(2) vt. 形成(人格、精神);养成习惯 Group activities help to form a child’s character. 团体活动对小孩的性格形成有帮助。

(3) vt. & vi. 想出(计划、意见等),(希望,想法等的)产生I can't form an opinion about it. 这件事我想不出什么意见。An idea formed in his mind. 他心中产生了某种想法。

(4) vt. 使……排队(成……) The captain formed soldiers into a line. 那位上尉让士兵排成一列。

(5) n. [U, C] 形状,外形The cookies were all in the form of stars. 那些饼干的形状都像星星。

(6)[C]形态,种类Different countries have different forms of government. 不同的国家有不同的政治形态。

(7)[C]格式,表格纸 fill in the form 填写表格


form 应用最广,意义最不受限制,可指外在的形状或内在的形式等。the form of a square 正方形; literary form 文学形式figure 线条决定的形状、图案;可指人的身材。draw a figure of a circle 画个圆形; a slim figure 修长的身材shape 指外部的线条,但有较强的“团、块”概念。the shape of a bottle 瓶子的形状; work the clay into the shape of a woman 将陶土塑成一个女人的形状

联想:(后缀) former adj. 从前的,早先的the former 前者 (与the latter相对) formative adj. 构成的,形成的

from prep. 自,从

拓展:in form / on form 情况良好; out of form / off form情况不好

2. Nelson Mandela was put in prison from 1962 till 1989. Nelson Mandela 从1962年到1989年被投入监狱。(P.25 Nelson Mandela 第六点)

★ prison: put/throw/send sb. in (into) prison 将……送进监狱,注意:prison前不加冠词,表示较为抽象的概念。其被动形式为be put in (into) prison (被关进监狱). be sent to prison (被送进监狱); be thrown into prison (被投进监狱)。如:Law-breakers are put in/into prison. 犯法的人都要坐牢。The thief was sent to prison for a year. 那个小偷被送去坐了一年牢。He was put in prison/thrown into prison/sent to prison/taken to prison for political reasons. 由于政治原因,他被关进了监狱。Whoever refused to bow was thrown into prison. 任何拒绝鞠躬的人都被关进了监狱。

拓展:go to prison 入狱; be out of prison 出狱; be in prison 在狱中; escape from prison 越狱; come out of prison 出狱; break prison 越狱

3. In 1850 a law was made to forbid people to help run- away slave. 1850年通过一项法律阻止人们帮助逃跑的奴隶。(P.26 Harriet Tubman 第三点)

★forbid (过去式forbade, forbad; 过去分词 forbidden) vt. “禁止;不许;阻止”,常用的结构是:forbid + doing“禁止干某事”;forbid + sb. to do sth.“禁止某人干某事/阻止某人干某事。” Smoking is forbidden in our school. 我们学校禁止吸烟。If you want to go, I can't forbid you. 你想去,我也拦不住你。I forbid you to use my tape recorder. 我不许你用我的录音机。They forbid walking in the fields. 他们禁止在地里走。


stop/prevent/keep sb. from doing sth. Parking forbidden! = No parking! 禁止停车!

联想:forbidden adj. 被禁止的,禁止的forbidding adj. 难以接近的;可怕的;令人生畏的,令人毛骨悚然的 forbiddingly adv. 难以接近地,令人毛骨悚然地

Section II 阅读

4. I HAVE A DREAM我有一个梦 (p. 28Reading ‘title’)

★ dream

(1) vt. “做梦;梦见”,后面可跟名词或that-clause。I dreamed my grandfather. 我梦见过我的祖父。He dreamed that he was flying to the moon. 他梦见他正在飞向月球。

注意:当dream表示“梦想到”时,常用于否定句中,后面可接带不定式的复合结构或that-clause(从句通常用将来时)。如:I never dreamed her to go to college. = I never dreamed that she would go to college. 我连做梦也没想到她会上大学。

(2) vi.“做梦;梦见;向往”,常用的结构为:dream of + n. / doing sth.。She said that she had dreamed of you. 她说她梦见过你。The people all over the world dream of peace.全世界人民向往和平。

(3) n.“梦;心愿;愿望”,为可数名词。Last night I had a good/bad/wonderful/strange dream. 昨晚我做了一个好/坏/美/奇怪的梦。His dream has come true. 他的愿望实现了。

5. Martin Luther King. Jr gave a speech to thousands of black people who marched on Washington DC. 马丁.路德.金给成千上万在华盛顿特区游行的黑人发表了演说。 (P.28 第一段第1-2行)

★on此处作介词,意为“朝向” “向……方向”,是正式用语。如:① The workers marched on the Capital. 工人向国会大厦进发。②Take the first turning on your right.在第一个路口向右拐。③ Fortune smiled on his enterprise.他的企业兴旺发达。④ Ellen is eating,her eyes on her food. 海伦吃东西时两眼盯着食物。

【注】on作副词用时,也有“向前”之意。如:① If you walk on, you'll come to the church. 如果你再向前走,就到教堂了。② If any letters come while you are away, shall I send them on? 如果你不在的时候有信来,我是不是要转寄给你? ③ The two strolled on, arguing. 两人辩论着往前溜达。④There's no use staying on. 继续呆下去没有用。


