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讲解小学英语阅读:The Anemone



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The Anemone

It was winter with cold air and strong wind. A seed was still lying down in the bulb under the ground covered with snow. One day, it was raining, and the raindrops that soaked into the thick ground, touched the bulb and told stories of the world above the ground. Soon, the sunlight passed through, shone on the frozen ground and tickled the bulb "Welcome." A seed said. "I am not strong enough to open your door and walk in, but in summer, I can." The sunlight said. "When does summer come?" Whenever the sunlight came down, the flower asked the same question, but summer was still too far away. There was snow on the ground, and the well was frozen hard at night.

   "Oh, how much longer do I have to wait? I feel impatient. I want to go out. How glad I will be!" When the seed stretched in the bulb, the thin skin of the bulb was split. It was where the sunlight reached before. Green stems, a flower bud and leaves began to grow through the ground under the snow. There was still snow on the ground, but the flower could come out because the sunlight already passed through the ground.

