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The Elf of the Rose

There once was a rose bush in full bloom in a big garden. An elf was living  in the most beautiful rose in the garden, and she was so small that people could  not see her. She had long blond hair to her toes and beautiful wings.

One day, it got dark before she got home. She had been dancing and flying  around so she didn't have time to get back to the rose bush. Suddenly, the  weather got cold, evening dew started to fall, and a strong wind began to blow.  She could not stay in the other flowers because they were all closed up.

   "What am I going to do now? It's too cold." She got scared because she had  never stayed outside at night. There was a twinkling light from the other side  of the garden. "It's too cold, and I am scared. Maybe I should spend tonight  there."

