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详解小学英语阅读:The Candles



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The Candles

Once, there were two candles. One candle was made from beeswax and the other was made from animals' fat. "I am much brighter than other candles, and I can last longer than all of us can. That's why I should stand on a silver candle holder." The beeswax candle was proud of herself and said. The candle made from animals' fat envied the beeswax candle. 'The beeswax candle must live a great and splendid life.'

One day, there was a party in this house. "I will be great at the party." The Beeswax candle said arrogantly as if she was the hostess of the party.

Then, a master came in. "I have to light up a candle." After saying this, he took the beeswax candle. "The party must be wonderful!" The animal fat candle was left behind and became lonelier.

   At that time, one little boy appeared with his torn basket at the kitchen door. In the basket, there were five or six potatoes and one apple. A mistress of the house gave them to this poor boy. "I will give you this candle, too." The mistress slipped the animal fat candle into the boy's hand. The little boy was very happy and went back to his house.

