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1. 关于单词理解,如:从A.B.两个选项中选出你所听到的单词图片,每词读两遍. 录音材料:(1)Hello, I am a pencil. (2)Hello, I am an eraser.

2. 关于句子理解,如:根据听到的内容,选出正确的图片,每题读两遍. (1) A B C (2) A B C 录音材料: (1)-- What’s your favorite fruit?_-- I like grapes. Because they are sweet. (2) Is this a donkey? Yes, it is.

3. 句子理解,据所听到的句子,完成下面的图,每句读两遍。 录音材料: (1) Draw the eyes on the face. (2) Draw the nose on the face. (3) Draw the ear on the face. (4) Draw the mouth on the face.

4. 对话理解,听音,在表格内相应的地方打上对号,每题读两遍。 hot dogs French-fries hamburger bread cakes chicken Zoom  √  Zip Sarah Mike 录音材料: (1) --What do you like, Zoom ? --I like hamburgers. (2) -- What do you like, Zip? -- I like hot dogs. (3) --What do you like ,Sarah? -- I like French fries. (4 ) --Have you some bread, Mike? -- No, thanks. I like cakes.

5. 对话理解,听音,选出对话中没有涉及到的一项,每个对话读两遍。例如:语文90分 数学85分 英语95分 A B C 录音材料: (1) –What scores did you get in the test? --I got 90 in the Chinese test , and 95 in the English test. 6.短文理解,听短文,根据其内容选择最佳选项补全表格,短文读三遍。 TIME THINGS 例:6:30 p.m. See a film. _____(1)____ Take Peter to school. 1:15 p.m. _____(2)___ 2:25 p.m. Clean the room and ____(3)___ ____(4)__ Go to the market and buy some food 10:10 p.m. ___(5)____ (1) (2). A. Call Mr Chen. B. Call Mrs Chen. C. Go to the cinema. D. Visit Mrs Chen. (3). A. wash the clothes B. wash the dishes C. water the flowers D. clean the windows (4). A. 9:00 p.m. B.6:00p.m. C. 6:3p.m. D.3:06 p.m. (5). A. Let Peter do his homework. B. Bring Peter home. C. Send Peter to bed. D. Time for watching TV. 录音材料略。

(二) 利用图画.表 格测试直观,符合小学生的年龄特点,对于各年级都适用。此外,对于有一定语言知识的五、六年级的学生还可以采用以文字为主的选择题。按照语言知识的不同, 听力测试可分为语音测试、单词测试、句子测试和短文测试。例如:语音测试,听录音,选择所听到的字母组合、单词或句子。 (1) A oor B ear C eer (2) A ch B wh C tch (3) A crayon B case C cake (4) A. There is a village near the river. B. There is a bridge over the river. C. There are some fridges in the room. 录音材料:(1)ear (2) tch (3) case (4) There is a bridge over the river.

2 关于句子理解,如:根据听到的句子,选出与其相适应的问句子或答句,每题读两遍。(1) A、 There are 15 girls in my class. B、 They are boys. C、 They are swimming. (2) A、 How long is it? B、 How are you? C、 How much is it? 录音材料:(1)How many girls are there in your class? (2) The dress is 15 yuan.

3 对话或短文理解,如:听对话,判断下列回答是否正确。 ( 1 ) The phone is for John’ s brother. ( ) ( 2 ) Jack is having lunch.. ( )录音材料省略 4 听写也是测试听力理解的有效方法。例如根据所听内容补全句子或短文,每空填一词,注意单词首字母的大小写,句子或短文读三遍,第一遍听,第二遍边听边写,第三遍检查校对。将下列对话或短文补充完整。(1) --What would you _____ to eat? -- I would ______ some hamburgers. (2) -- What can you do? --I can ____ the floor. (3 ) This is my ___ . It’s in the ____.There are many small ___. There is a ___over the river. There are many ___ in the river. There is a road beside the river. There is green grass and many ___.We ___ run on the grass. I love my village very much. Keys: village mountains houses bridge fish flowers can 录音材料略。


