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一. 听力部分(40%)

1. Listen and judge(听录音,用“×”或“√”判断正误)10%

1) jyqr (  )  2) akmt (  )  3) BLRW (  )   4) AQVF (  )

5) swim (  )  6) winter (  )  7) love (  )    8) play ( )

9) bird (  )  10) clock (  )

2. Listen and complete(听录音,完成单词) 10%

s ___ ng  b___ ___t  wh ___ t  s ___ ___ p  p ___ ___ k  b ___sc___ ___t

wh ___ r ___   ___e___ly  d__ g   e ___ g   n___s___   r ___ ad

3. Listen and judge(听录音,用“√”或“×”判断是否与图片内容一致)10%

(  )     (  )     (  )     (  )     (  )

(  )     (  )     (  )     (  )     (  )

4. Listen and tick(听录音,勾出听到的句子)5%

1) (  ) A. I live in China.

(  ) B. I love China.

2) (  ) A. Mother likes to swim.

(  ) B. Father likes to sleep.

3) (  ) A. She goes to Beijing by train.

(  ) B. She goes to Beijing by plane.

4) (  ) A. Wash your hands, Sam.

(  ) B. Wash your face, Sam.

5) (  ) A. Colour three kites brown.

(  ) B. Colour three kites blue.

5. Listen and fill (听录音,选择并填入听到的词)5%

1. ________ (OpenClose) your mouth.

2. You are ________ (fivefine).

3. Say hello ________ (go o) Alice.060s.com

4. They like to ________ (playplane).

5. ________ (FunnyHappy) birthday, Sam.

