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2014-11-12 13:59:36 字体放大:  

如要扩展此句,可以这样进行:“You should give up smoking now, for the sake of your own health,for the sake of the health of others, for the sake of your family, and for the sake of the entireworld. ”为了你自己的健康,为了他人的健康,为了你的家庭,也为了整个世界,你现在应该戒烟了。

2) Doctors think that an active person should have a restful hobby, while a person who sits at adesk should have a lively hobby.医生认为爱好活动的人应该有安静型的业余爱好,而伏案工作的人应该有着活动型的业余爱好。

如要扩展此句,可以这样来进行:Doctors think that an active person, such as a baseball player ora swimmer, should have a restful hobby such as reading, collections of stamps, dolls, buttonsor shells, etc. , while a person who sits at a desk all day, such as a teacher or a doctor shouldhave a lively hobby such as tennis, golf, swimming or skating. 医生认为,像棒球选手或游泳运动员这类爱好活动的人应该有安静型的业余爱好,比如阅读、收藏邮票、收藏布娃娃、收藏钮扣、收藏贝壳等,而整日伏案工作的人如教师或医生,就应该有打网球、打高尔夫球、游泳或者滑冰这类活动型的业余爱好。

3 )A child with a problem will probably go to his friends for sympathy.一个碰到问题的孩子有可能到朋友那里寻求同情。

如要扩展此句,可以这样来进行:A child with a problem, then he feels what he will probably getfrom his parents is incomprehension or criticism, will go instead to his friends for sympathyand advice, leaving the parents totally unaware of the problem he has.一个碰到问题的孩子,当他觉得他从他的父母那里得到的有可能是不理解或者批评的时候,就会去找他的朋友们寻求同情和建议,而其父母对其问题却全然不知。

4) We can be informed of a lot by reading books.通过阅读书籍我们可以了解很多东西。