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一、专四新闻简叙专业四级的新闻部门因为题材普遍,语法结构复杂,多采用句式合并的体例以及新词汇的高频呈现,学生难以把握命题标的目的及出题特点,学生往往能听懂材料,却也不能选出正确选项, 历来成为英语专业学生在TEM4考试中听力部门得分率最低的一个部门。



1. 年夜旨题一导语把握法年夜旨题是每年的新闻听力考试题型中定会呈现的一类题型。问题问题经常以What is the main idea oft.be news?/What does the news item mainly report?的形式呈现。按照专四新闻的结构特点,就其写作形式而言,常使用倒金字塔结构。所谓倒金字塔结构是指在新闻报道中把最主要的新闻事实放在整个报导的开首(作为导语“lead'’),把次要的新闻事实放在导语之后;把最不主要的新闻事实放在整个报导的末尾。导语部门是整个新闻报道的精髓,是对折个新闻报道的归纳综合。是以,在年夜旨题中,考生只要能够听懂导语的表述,就能够很好地把握年夜旨题。

【例1】Whatdoesthenewsmainly report?(2005真题第 23题) A. China will send thl'ee people into space in a week. B. Three Chinese astronauts will spend a week in space. C. The Shenzhou V1 will be launched next year. D. ShenzhouV circledthe earthfortwodays.剖析:按照导语“China has said it has decided Oil putting three people into space in a week,”the Ch . ina service said Oil Tuesday.找出对应的谜底为B.

【例2】What is news item mainly about?(2OO6真题第 26题) A. Indonesian government polices B. Australia’s support to the UN assistance mission C. Opening of all Australian consulate in East Timor D. Talks between Australia and Indonesia 剖析:按照导语The Indonesian government has given oficial approval for all Australian consulate in Dili.找出对应谜底为C.

【例3】What is the news mainly about?(2007真题第29 题) A. Religious violence B. Refugee issue C. Aferry disaster D. A rescue operation 剖析:按照导语一An Indonesian ferry,packed with hundreds of refugee violence in the mvaged Spice Island sank yesterday,and it was not clear whether any one has survived, rescue oficials said.找出对应谜底为C. 2. 细节题一问题谜底合并法细节题是新闻题型中所占比例较高的一种题型。良多同窗的感伤是听新闻时太多细节,是以很难把握能在选项中选出正确谜底。细节题的关头不在于你能够听到若干好多的细节,而在于你能否找到问题问题的题点(pointtothequestion)。对于此种题型的应试策略为:首先找到问题问题中的关头词或者短语,在听材料的过程中能够增添对问题的敏感度,以便更轻易听到题点;听到题点之后,便可采用问题谜底合并法,即问题与谜底呈此刻统一个句子中心,很轻易找到正确谜底。

【例4】It is predicted that by 2020 China will receiving — — visitors.(2005真题第27题) A. 77million B. 130 million C. 36.8 miUiOil D. 10o million 剖析:首先找出问题问题中的关头词by 2020,China,再找出包含问题问题及谜底的句子By 2020.it will be top with predictions of 130,000,000 visitors per year.找出对应谜底为 B.

【例5】Who will provide the distribution networks in the joint venture?(2006真题第28题) A. Unilever B. Nestle C. PepsiCo D. CocaCola 剖析:首先找出问题问题中的关头词provide the distribution 找出包含问题问题及谜底的句子PepsiCois contributingits bodily facilities and distribution networks to the alliance while Unilever provides the famous tea brand and recipe.找出对应谜底为C.

【例6】How many settlements would have to be removed altogether in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank? (2007真题第22题) A. 2 B. 4 C. 21 D. 25 剖析:首先找出问题问题中的关头词settlements,be removed, altogether,再找出包含问题问题及谜底的句子He’d asked Israel to removeall 21 settlersintheGazaStrip,and4in theWestBank.找出对应谜底D. 3. 推理题一句式句意转换法推理题一贯是各类题型中最难的一类,一般不能直接听到谜底,而需要对新闻中的某句话进行句式或句意上的转换。对于此类题型,可以参照细节题的体例,同样先找出问题问题中的关头词,在新闻中听到考点后迅速进行句式或句意上的转换,再找出谜底。

【例7】Thefirewerethoughtto have been started (2005 真题第25题) A. purposefully B. accidentally C. On theMexican border D. in southern California 剖析:首先找出问题问题中的关头词fire,start,操作句式合并法找出对应的句子The authority said they were seeking two men in connection with the fire,which they be lieved were started deliberately.解题的关头在于找到started deliberately 的同义转述started purposefully.找出对应谜底为A.

【例8—1 — ranks second among leading tourism nations. (2005真题第26题) A. Fran ce B. Th e United States C. Spain D. Italy 剖析:首先找出问题问题中的关头词rank second,操作句式合并法找出对应的句子France remains the most popular destination,receiving more than 77,000,000 visitors folowed by Spain.the United States and Italy.解题的关头在于找到 rank second的对应部门folowed by Spain.找出对考试~年夜应谜底为 C.

【例9】Th e ferry boat WaS designed to early — — passengers.(2007真题第30题) A. 198 B. 200 C. 290 D. 500 剖析:首先找出问题问题中的关头词carry,passengers,操作句式合并法找出对应的句子Officials said the ship had a capacity 200 passengers? 解题的关头在于找到carry, passengers的对应部门me ship had a capacity 200 passengers.找出对应谜底为B.四、对错判定题—细节谜底对应法对错判定题同样是新闻中呈现频率较高的题型,现实上也是一种细节题,只是要肄业生对谜底中的多个细俭仆以判定。对于此类题型,采用最多的是细节谜底对应法,即在听新闻材料的过程中,听到题点,迅速找到对应灯揭捉?项并要求做出对错判定。

【例10]Which of the folowing has NOT been afected bythewildfires?(2005真题第24题) A . Houses B. Land C. Skies D. Cars 剖析:首先找出问题问题中的关头词NOT been,afected by the wildfires,找出对应的句子Gigantic waves of flam that covered entire neighborhoodsan dfilled the skies over southern California with ash?解除对应谜底C:找出对应句子They were reported to have destroyed 800 homes and consumed about 120,000 hectares of land解除对应谜底A,B.找出谜底为D.

【例11】Wh ich ofthe following details is INCORRECT? (2006真题第25题) A. Th etwoferries sallkon diferentdays. B. Th e accidents were caused by storms. C. Th etwoferries sallkonthe sameriver. D. Morepeoplewererescuedfrom thefirstferry.剖析:首先找出问题问题中的关头词details INCORRECT, 找出对应的句子Storms sallk two ferries in southern Bangladeshi on Sunday and?找出对应谜底B 为correct detail;A为incorectdetail;找出对应句子One ofthe packed ferries? an d50wererescued;A secondferry sallkonthe same riverjust one kilometer away? .,after 6 were rescued 找出对应谜底C,D为correct details.找出谜底为A.