
2015-03-21 17:31:15 字体放大:  


1.This passage is mostly about__________.

A) why people find travel writing exciting

B) the literary style of three early travel writers

C) where three early travel writers went and wrote about

D) how to write a travel book

2.Ibn Battutah traveled__________.

A) to China

B) to Ethiopia

C) throughout the Muslim word

D) for 16 or 17 years

3.The books bf the three writers were popular because__________.

A) they listed good places to stay

B) they told of strange and exotic locales

C) they explained the best routes to get to places

D) all of their stories were firsthand accounts

4.The overall organization of this passage is through__________.

A) chronological order

B) spatial description

C) travel writers'personal narratives

D) persuasive details

5.In this passage attest means to__________.

A) give an examination to

B) draw a map of

C) tell lies to

D) give proof of



