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2013-03-04 13:33:50 字体放大:  


写作  综合写作  reading:

Chocoas(ancient people stem from US)had no system to write, so there is no records about how the roads were built.There are three possible reasons for that.

1.move people and commercials

2.for regional faction like ceremony, because a North Road有一段很长的南北方向的路。可能因为人们认为他们的神会通过路找到他们

3.escaping way for their troops when the enemies came


the professor challenged the ideas from the reading

1.there were no vehicle and animals to move commercials, so the only way is on foot. But 10 meters wide road is too wide for that.

2.虽然有这样的路,但是没法确认their belief was the same with local people(没听清是现在当地人,还是当时什么地方的人)。

3.They had enough garding for the road,没必要逃跑.besides the road was used not only by the Chocoas people but also by the enemies.有没有证据没听到

听力  经典加试 (遇到听力+阅读双加试。。。我是最后一个走出考场的。。。)


lecture --ragtime music

阅读  其中一篇

一个民族被侵略,他们的sign of language 被change into适合侵略者文化的形式,他们的literate is popular throughout the Europe, so their language is kept in the literature way.(有题)


恐龙灭绝 很多人认为是陨星撞地球,虽然撞过很多次(不是猛烈的撞击,我觉得是指扫到之类),但是很难查证,因为trace被climate和erosion“怎样的”消灭掉了(这里有单词题,“怎样的”我选的是gradually,因为考的那个单词我不认识就没记住- -)结果有很多。第一段讲了关于铱元素的存在,虽然地球上因为火山喷发会有铱元素的存在,但是所检测到得铱元素含量远远超过地球自有的,而且陨星上有大量的铱元素,因此推测铱元素是陨星wind带来的(这里有题),然后因为陨星的缘故有很多dust被生成,the dust surround the earth and became the barrier from receiving the Sun's ray所以很多植物和marine都死了,然后吃这些东西为生的生物也死了,导致extinct(第一题问的是,很多科学家认为白垩纪的最后发生了什么,我选的就是extinct);下面一段讲了其他物质,也是外来星球带来的,其中有题问为什么提到一种物质,我选的是提供其中一个观点的理论。

