
2014-12-03 14:56:36 字体放大:  


Not getting enough sleep doesn't just make you tired. It also makes you fat because of increased food-eating, according to researchers in America.

The researchers 1 a study which included eight men and eight women, and found that participants who lacked sleep for a week 2  almost two pounds.

To establish a standard, 3 spent the first three nights sleeping up to nine hours a night, and 4   only as many calories as they burned each day. Their daily amount of food and oxygen, and production of carbon dioxide were 5  .

Then participants   6   two groups, with one limited to sleeping five hours a night, while the other continued to be allowed nine hours. After five nights, the groups  7  . During this part of the experiment, participants were allowed to eat as much as they wanted.

The researchers found that participants burned about 5 percent more calories when their sleep 8   five hours, but they consumed about 6 percent more calories,  9  when they were allowed nine hours.

Although the participants ate less at breakfast when they had five hours of sleep, they ate more over the rest of the day; they 10 consumed an increased number of calories after the dinner and finally gained weight. When they shifted to adequate sleep patterns they lose the pounds.