
2014-11-27 11:54:48 字体放大:  


Ukrainian producers say they are eager to get their products on European shelves. Ukraine’s wages are cheaper than in the European Union, giving Ukrainian producers an advantage but they also have to adhere to strict EU consumer guidelines.

Not all Ukrainian goods will be cheap.

A pair of locally made speakers can sell for upward of $650, but entrepreneurs like Veronica Sinitsa of Pototskiy Sound Systems looks forward to the agreement opening new doors.

"This [creates] some new possibilities. This [opens for us] new markets, some ways to develop without corruption, without some taxation problems. We are very excited because we want our product to be seen, to be bought, and we want people to like it," Sinitsa said.

Some of the Ukrainian products on offer are of the more mundane kind, like cat food, soap, and tampons.

But their producers, too - among them Alexander Vorobey of Luxus Detergents, have high hopes.