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高一上册英语教案范文:Tracel journal




The type of the lesson: speaking and reading.

It is the first period of this unit, including the warming-up, pre-reading and while-reading. The purpose is to enable the students to familiarize the topic of this unit and use the reading skills (skimming and scanning) to get the information from the text.

Teaching aid: a computer, a projector, a blackboard, chalk

Studying strategies: Cooperative group works, topic discussing

Dealing with the teaching material:本单元的话题是旅游,这是一个学生比较感兴趣的话题,老师应抓住他们的兴奋点,充分调动其积极性和好奇心来深入主题。

1、 在warming-up 中,因为学生刚刚放完十一长假回来,所以我以这个前提为背景引出话题,问同学们去哪里玩,用什么交通方式去。然后引导学生讨论几种交通方式的优缺点。紧接着是quiz ---Please choose the best way to solve the problem,这个环节趣味性比较强,可以增加学生学习的兴趣。

2、 在pre-reading中,首先是guessing-- guess which rivers they are,来引出湄工河。然后让他们看地图找出湄工河流经的几个国家。

3、 在while-reading中,先是fast reading回答几个问题,然后是careful reading(第一段和第二段的配套练习是填表格,第三段是回答问题), summary(填空的形式),形式比较多样。

Teaching aims:

1. Lead the students to talk about their holidays.

2. Improve the students' ability of discussing the advantages and disadvantages of each means of transport

3. Improve the students' abilities of reading, listening and speaking

4. Improve the students' ability of getting information from the passage through fast and careful reading.

Main and difficult teaching points:

1、 Describe a trip to others

2、 Lead the students to discuss about the advantages and disadvantages of each means of transport

3、Introduce the countries the Mekong River

3、 flows through

4、 Understand the text well.

Teaching procedure:

Step1: Warming-up (8m)

Activity1: (2m)

Question: Where have you been during the National holiday? Can you talk something about your traveling?


Activity2: (2m)

Question: How did you go? How many means of transport do you know?

What are they?


Activity3: (2m)

Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of each means of transport.


Activity4: (2m)

A quiz: Please choose the best way to solve the problem. If you have a better idea, Please add it.

1、If you run into a snake you should______________

A. catch the snake with your hands

B. stand still and look at the snake

C. shout at it

D. beat its head with a long stick

E. .....

2、Your partner falls into the river, and you can't swim. You should_____________

A. shout to others for help

B. find a long stick and let your partner catch hold of it

C. stand there to watch him

D. jump into the water to save him

E. .....

