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高一英语下册第一单元教案:Cultural relics



The detail adding and relocating of the Amber Room

General idea of 4th Para

The stolen of the Amber Room in World War Ⅱ

General idea of 5th Para

The rebuilding of the Amber Room

II. A tree diagram

The Amber Room: the best and biggest work of country's best Prussian artists


Section 2: Background information on culture relics

I. What is a culture relic? 何谓 "文化遗产"?

Cultural relics are physical reminders of what different peoples valued in the past and continue to value now. Without these relics, we could not cherish cultural traditions as much or appreciate the lives of the people who practiced those traditions. Although we may not often consider it, cultural relics are not only the possession of one culture. In a larger sense, it can be said that they belong to all peoples. For these reasons, this unit describes cultural relics not from China but other places. Looking at it from another angle, it can also be said that cultural relics preserves some aspect of cultural heritage and each relic, regardless of whether the same hands created many examples of it, is still a unique cultural expression and contribution.

II. The cultural relics of China in the world heritage site list《世界文化遗产名录》中的30处中国文遗产


◆Mount Taishan(泰山),listed as a world cultural and natural site in 1987.

◆The Great Wall(长城),cultural site, 1987.

◆The Imperial Palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in Beijing and Shenyang(北京故宫、沈阳故宫),cultural site, 1987,2004.

◆The Mogao Caves(敦煌莫高窟),cultural site,1987.

◆The Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor and the Terracotta Warriors(泰始皇陵及兵马俑坑),cultural site,1987.

◆The Peking Man Site at Zhoukoudian(周口店北京猿人遗址),cultural site,1987.

◆Mount Huangshan(黄山),cultural and natural site,1990.

◆The Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area(九寨沟风景名胜区),natural site,1992.

◆The Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area(黄龙风景名胜区),natural site,1992.

◆The Wulingyuan Scenic and Historic Interest Area (武陵源风景名胜区),natural site,1992.

◆The Mountain Resort and its Outline Temple, Chengde(河北承德避暑山庄及周围寺庙),cultural site,1994.

◆The Temple and Cemeter of Confucius and the Kong Family Mansion in Qufu (曲阜孔府、孔庙、孔林),cultural site,1994.

◆The Ancient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains(武当山古建筑群),cultural site,1994.

◆Historic Ensemble of the Potala Palace, Lhasa(西藏布达拉宫),cultural site,1994.

◆The Lushan National Park(庐山),cultural site,1996.

◆Mount Emei and the Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area(峨眉山一乐山大佛风景名胜区),cultural and natural site.1996.

◆The Ancient City of Pingyao(平遥古城),cultural site,1997.

◆The Classical Gardens of Suzhou(苏州园林),cultural site,1997.

◆The Old Town of Lijiang(丽江古城),cultural site,1997.

◆The Summer Palace(颐和园),cultural site,1998.

◆The Temple of heaven:an Imperial Sacrificial Altar in Beijing(天坛),cultural site,1998.

◆Dazu Rock Carvings(大足石刻),cultural site, 1999.

◆Mount Wuyi(武夷山),cultural and natural site,1999.

◆Mount Qincheng and the Dujiangyan Irrigation System(青城山一都江堰),cultural site,2000.

◆Aucient Villages in Southern Anhui-Xidi and Hongcun(安徽古村落一西递、宏村),cultural site,2000.

◆Longmen Grottoes(龙门石窟),cultural site,2000.

◆Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties(明清皇家陵寝),cultural site 2000.

◆Yungang Grottoes(云冈石窟),cultural site,2001.

◆Three Parallel Rivers of Yunan Protected Areas,natural site(三江并流),2003.

◆Capital cities and Tombs of the Ancient Koguryo Kingdom(高句丽的王城、王陵和贵族墓葬),cultural site,2004.

Section 3: Words and expressions from Unit I Cultural Relics


adj. 文化的 a cultural independence / cultural exchange


n. sth. old that reminds us of the past遗迹;古物 unearthed cultural / a relic of early civilization


vt.&vi. to continue to live, esp. after coming close to death; to continue to live after...幸免于;幸存;......之后还活着 survive the traffic accident / survive all her children


vi. 1. to stay or be left behind after others have gone or been removed停留;留居;留下When the others had gone, Mary remained and put back the furniture.2. to continue to be( in an unchanged state)继续;依然remain young / remain to be uncompleted; Peter became a judge but John remained a fisherman. If you won't eat you'll just have to remain hungry! 3. It remains to be seen: we shall know later on.情况仍未明,要看怎样发展。


n. 国家;政府;州;状态 state schools / state documents /in a poor state of health

look into: to examine the meaning or causes of考察,调查 look into the matter / look into the event


adj. 稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的 the rare air of the mountains / rare metals / a rare book


n. 朝代;王朝 the Qing Dynasty / the Tudor dynasty in England

belong to

to be the property of; to be a member of; to be connected with属于;为......的一员;与......有关系belong to a club / belong to a class / belong to me

in search of 寻找 in search of the cure to the disease / in search of the lost boy


n. adj. 琥珀;琥珀制的;琥珀色的 the amber traffic lights / a decoration of amber


n. 赠品;礼物;天赋 birthday gifts / gift vouchers / a gift for music


vt. vi. (使)融化;(使)熔化 melt the snow / melt the anger /melt in water


n. vt. 热;热度;把......加热;使激动 the body heat/ the heat of a debate/ heat soup for lunch


n. a plan in the mind; a drawing or pattern showing how sth. is to be made设计;图案 vt. to imagine and plan out in the mind设计;构思 curious in design / make a design for a monument; design an engine / design dresses for a queen


adj.奇特的;异样的(无最高级和比较级)vt.想象;设想;爱好 a fancy price / fancy goods / fancy his coming /fancy herself still young


n.风格;风度;类型 do things in style / in the style of / out of style.


n.珠宝;宝石 precious jewels / a jewel necklace

in return(for): in exchange (for); in payment (for)作为交换;报答;酬谢 in return for her kindness / in return for his gilt


vt. vi 点火,照亮 light a cigarette / light a torch/ light sb. on his way


n. 镜子;反映 a driving mirror / look in the mirror/ a mirror of the times


n. 奇迹;惊奇 the wonders of nature/ It's no wonder. /in wonder

at war 处于交战状态 be at war / have been at war for long


vt. to take away(from a place); take off移动;脱掉;除去remove the cloth from the table / remove one's hat; You've got to remove your shoes before you enter the room.


n.家具(总称)much furniture / a lot of furniture /a set of furniture/ a piece of furniture


adv.秘密地;背地里 have a talk secretly/ take an action secretly


adj. 木制的 a wooden bridge/ a wooden chair


n. 怀疑;疑惑;vt.怀疑;不信 there is no doubt about sb./ sth./ no doubt/ ...not doubt that / ...doubt whether


n.神秘;神秘的事物 make a mystery of matter / dive into the mysteries of


adv. 分离;分别地 miles apart / stand apart / keep apart from take apart 拆开 take apart the machine / take sb. apart


n.审判;审问;试验 hold a trial / trial by a military court / give sb. a trial


vt.1. to think about; examine考虑;思考I'm considering changing my job. We've decided to move and are considering a new house in Beijing. 2. to regard as认为I consider you a fool. I consider it a great honour to be here with you today. The boss considered Tom (to be) too lazy to be a good worker. 3. to take into account顾及;考虑到;If you consider (the fact) that she's only been studying English a year, she speaks it very well.

opinion n.意见;看法;判断 give one's opinion / in one's opinion / depend on one's opinion

evidence n.根据;证据;证物 evidence for his guilt/ call sb. for evidence/ material evidence/ verbal evidence

prove vt. 证明;证实 vi. 原来是;证明是 prove its truth / prove sb to be / be proved to be

pretend vt.假装;装扮 pretend to be / pretend that

think highly of 看重;器重 think highly of his deeds / think highly of his character

treasure n.财宝;财富;珍品 a store of hidden treasure / collect many treasures

besides adv. in addition, also此外;而且I don't want to go; besides, I'm tired. I met some friends and other people besides. I don't like those blue socks; what have you got besides? prep. as well as; in addition to除......之外 I have a few friends besides you. There were three others present at the meeting besides Mr. Day.



高一英语教案(外研版):No drugs

高一英语必修2教案:Cultural relics

