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高一英语准备教案:Unit4 Earthquakes



英语学习词汇掌握是非常重要的,这一单元主要注重了这一方面,请参考高一英语准备教案:Unit4 Earthquakes

第一课时:Warming-up & vocabulary




__________ 摇动,颤动 __________ 地震

__________ 井 __________ 上升,增加,起身

__________ 发臭的 __________ 突然爆发

__________ 废墟,毁灭 __________ 极度的

__________ 损害,伤害 v. __________ 幸存者,残存物

__________ 破坏 v __________ 砖块

__________ 无用的 __________ 震惊,打击

__________ 营救 __________ 电

__________ 灾害 __________ 组织v,

__________ 埋葬,隐藏 __________ 矿,矿井

__________ 掩蔽,遮蔽处 __________ 判断

__________ 荣誉,给予荣誉 __________ 新鲜的,无经验的

__________ 百分率 __________ 裂缝,使开裂

__________ 蒸汽,水汽 __________ 使惊吓,吓唬

__________ 受惊的,受恐吓的 __________ 祝贺 n

__________ 裁判员n;判断v __________ 表达v,速递

__________ 骑自行车的人 __________ 军队

__________ 准备v.


right__________ 立刻 burst ___ ____ = burst ____ ____突然大哭

_____ _____ end 结束 lay _____ _______ 成为废墟

dig _____ 掘出,发现 be _____ ___ / bury _____ ___专心… ___(_____) number of大量的 give _____ 分发,发出(气味,热等)

_____/ _____ a speech 作演讲 ________ from / by 从…判断

___ honor ___ 为了纪念… tens ___ __________ of 成千上万

_____ _____ 煤矿 get _____ __________ 做好充足准备

begin to __________ 开始复苏 __________ of 取代

think ______ ___ 对…考虑少 think ______ of 对…高度评价

__________ workers 营救人员 be _____ =be missing 丢失

build _____ ___ _____ 为幸存者建造避难所

be ____ __ = take _____ __为..感到自豪 _____ the competition 赢得比赛

be pleased ___ __ 很高兴做… break _____ 爆发

be ________ under sth被困在下面 ___ ___ north __ 在某地方的北面

put ___ 搭建(临时住所等) wake ___ 叫醒某人

________ sth. for sth. 为…做准备

语法:由who/ whom/ whose/ that /which等关系代词引导的定语从句



I would like to _______ _______ _______ … who ….(我想向。。。表达我的谢意,他/她。。。)

Here, I wish to express my _______ ____ the great efforts …(在此,我想感谢。。。的努力)

I ______________thank …(我还要感谢…)

No words are _______ _____ to express our …(没有任何词足以表达我们的。。。)


当---时真是可怕__________________ 就好像__________________

我记得__________________ 我觉得________________

那之后没多久__________________ 幸运的是__________________


I. 用所给单词的适当形式填空:

burst, frighten, judge, organize, rescue, shake, ruin, destroy, injure, shelter, honour, disaster, electricity, shock

1. The flood _____ a lot of houses and many people became homeless.

2. After _____ was cut off, the lights went out.

3. ______ always come suddenly and cause a lot of damage.

4. The ______ girl was speechless after she saw the terrible scene.

5. A car accident happened with two people killed and one seriously ______.

6. St. Petersburg was almost in ____ after it was under attack for 900 days by the Germans.

7. The rescue workers put up a lot of tents so that the homeless survivors could be ______.

8. Next month a new monument will be built in ________ of those who died in the terrible disaster.

9. The river ______ its banks and flooded the village.

10. They were badly ______ by the news of her death.

II. 根据所给单词选择合适的英文释义:

quake useless shock rescue disaster bury congratulations especially injure destroy

1. (of persons) to shake or tremble from cold, weakness, fear, anger, etc;(of things) to shake or tremble, as from shock, internal convulsion, or instability. __________

2. of no use; not serving any purpose; without useful qualities; of no practical good. __________

3. to strike with great surprise and emotional disturbance. __________

4. to set free, as from danger or imprisonment; save . __________

5. a terrible event, esp. one occurring suddenly and causing great loss of life, damage, or hardship, as a flood, airplane crash, or business failure . __________

6. to put in the ground and cover with earth . __________

7. used to express joy in the success or good fortune of another. __________

8. to an exceptional degree; in particular . __________

9. hurt; damage, esp. for result of an accident . __________

10. break to pieces; make useless; put an end to. __________

III. 用本单元所学单词填空

1. When an earthquake happens, the ground will _________ (晃动)greatly.

2. The fish must go bad, for it is ________(有气味的).

3. When she heard the news that her husband was killed in the accident, she _______(爆发) into tears.

4. The two countries were separated by a _________(运河).

5. Water can be turned into s________ when heated.

6. The desk is covered with a lot of ________(灰尘). Would you please clean it?

7. After the earthquake, the whole city was in r_________.

8. An accident happened. Luckily, nobody was _________(受伤的).

9. There was no ________(幸存者) in the air crash.

10. _______(判断) from his accent, we know he comes from the west.

IV. 短语翻译:

立刻,马上 ____________ 水管 ____________

突然大笑起来 ____________ 上百万的 ____________

结束,终结 ____________ 破败不堪,一片废墟 ____________

毁坏一个城市 ____________ 营救某人脱离危险 ____________

自然灾害 ____________ 从……来判断 ____________

挖掘,发现 ____________ 煤矿 ____________

为幸存者搭建避身处 ____________ 弄伤一支胳膊 ____________

许多的,大量的 ____________

