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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)



1. What’s the matter with the man?

A. He has a headache. B .He has a toothache  C. He has a fever.

2. Who bought the watch for the woman?

A. The  man  B. The  woman  C.  The woman’s mother

3. When will the woman have a day off ?

A. Today  B. Tomorrow  C.  Today or tomorrow

4. What will the woman do this evening?

A. Go to a party    B.  Meet Sarah at the  train station.

C.  Have dinner with Sarah

5. Where does the man want to go?

A. To a shopping center.  B. To a corner

C. To the National Bank




6. What is the woman thinking about?

A..Whether she should take the job as a salesperson or not.

B. How to get the job which suits her.

C. How to get a high salary.

7. What will the woman do with the job?

A. She’ll take it    B. She will reject it

C. She’ll let the man take it


8. Where is Lisa spending her summer holiday?

A. In the man’s hometown   B. In  Xiamen.

C.  In her hometown

9. What is the man going to do during his summer holiday?

A. Work part-time as a tourist guide .

B. Work full-time as a tourist guide.

C. Travel to Xiamen with his friends


10. What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Grandpa and granddaughter

B. Shop assistant and customer

C. Husband and wife

11. Why does the man want a brown coat?

A. He likes brown coats.

B. His grandpa likes the color

C. There are only brown coats in the shop.

12. How much does the man spend on the coat?

A. $ 115  B. $150  C. $155


13. How often is the Nicest Garden Competition held in Tim’s town?

A. Once a month  B. Once two months    C.  Once a year

14. What did Tim do last year when it was dry?

A. He built a new wooden bridge in the garden.

B. He watered the garden every day.

C. He held many parties in the garden

15. How was the party a month ago?

A. Wonderful  B. Boring  C. Bad

16. When will Tim  give the next party?

A. This month  B. Next month  C.  The month after next


17. How many symbols of Easter are mentioned (提到) in the text?

A. 3    B.   4   C. 5

18. What does the baby hare symbolize(象征)?

A. The moon   B. The sun   C. The moon and richness

19. what does the Easter egg symbolize ?

A. Blood  B.  Life   C. Richness

20. Which is not mentioned as a symbol?

A. The lily  B. The cross  C. Turkey

第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)


21. The road in front of our school is _____ and is closed to all the cars.

A. repairing     B. being repaired     C. repaired     D.  repair

22. As soon as he comes back, I’ll tell him when _____ and see him.

A. you  will come    B. will you come    C. you come    D. do you come

23. The meeting _____ late in the afternoon and we all went home.

A. broke out   B. broke up  C. broke through D. broke down

24.You _____ be tired; you have been working for so long a time,

but he _____ be tired; he has just begun to work.

A. may not; must  B. must; may not  C. can’t; must  D. must; can’t

25. The way he did it is different______ we were used to .

A. in which B. in what C. from what  D. from which

26.We were all waiting for you; you _____ for the seaside by yourself

without leaving a message.

A. mustn’t leave     B. needn’t leave

C. shouldn’t have left    D. couldn’t have left

27.All the students were looking forward to_______here.

A,   come  B. being coming  C.  came    D.coming

28. The  article  is  too  long  and  should  be ______ by  half .

A.cut down  B. cut off  C. turned up  D. turned off

29. ----Who is going to ______ prizes  to  the  winners?

----- The headmaster,  of  course .

A. gather   B. award  C. admire   D. gain

30----Would  you  like  some  more  chicken?

------No,  thanks . I am ______ a  diet  and  try  to _____ weight.

A. on,  lose  B. on,  put on C.  in  , have  D. in  , lose

31.She suggested that we __________ the party tomorrow.

A. held  B. hold  C. would hold  D. must hold

32  They  are _________ their grandmother’s 70th birthday .

A. greeting  B .celebrating   C .joining  D congratulating

33. He was late again ! We won’t let him_________ the same excuse this time .

A. break away from   B .get away with  C .get away from  D.  get rid of

34. I believe your father won’t  be angry with you. _______,you’ve done your best.

A. At  all  B First of all   C.  In  all  D.After all

35. ------What  about  having  a  drink ?


A.Good idea. B. Help yourself  C. Go ahead ,please  D. Me , too

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20)

A few years ago, I had a job that almost destroyed me. My  36_ was that I loved my job too much and couldn’t get  37  of it. Working for the company was happier than any other  38  . In the morning, I couldn’t  39  to get to the office. At night, I left it unwillingly(不愿意地). Part of my mind  40__ at work even when I was at  41__ with my kids at night.

Not  42 , all other parts of my life shriveled (枯萎) . I nearly  lost  contact (交谈、联系) with my___43__ , seeing little of my wife or my two sons. I lost contact with my old friends. I even  44 __ to lose contact with myself. Then one evening, I  45  home to tell the boys I wouldn’t go back in time to say good night. I’d already missed five  46__ this week. Sam, the younger of the two, said that was  47 , but asked me to wake him up  48__ I got home. I explained that I’d be back so late that he would have gone to sleep  49_ ,  and it was probably better if I saw him the next morning. But he  50_ . I asked him why. He said he just wanted to know I was there, at home. To this day, I can’t  51  exactly what happened to me at that moment. Yet I suddenly knew I had to  52  my job.

After I said in public that I had given up my job, I received a number of  53 . Most people understood me, but a few people  were  54__. They wrote to tell me that I shouldn’t think myself virtuous (有道德的). They  think  leaving an important job to spend 55__  time with my family was  not  virtuous..

36. A. happiness B. disease  C. problem  D. fight

37. A. enough B. all  C. little D. part

38. A. joy B. invitation C. job D. trouble

39. A. hope B. wait  C. stop D. help

40. A. remained B. held C. blocked D. stopped

41. A. lunch B. breakfast C. school D. home

42. A. surprisingly B. likely C. really D. usually

43. A. parents B. teachers C. family D. friends

44. A. proved B. wanted C. chose D. began

45. A. wrote B. phoned C. ran D. drove

46. A. bedtimes B. kisses C. nights  D. calls

47. A. bad B. easy C. great D. OK

48. A. however B. whenever C. whatever D. wherever

49. A. as well B. on purpose C. in time D. long before

50. A. agreed B. insisted C. managed D. stopped

51. A. understand B. feel C. remind D. get

52. A. get B. leave C. keep D. take

53. A. papers B. notices C. letters D. reports

54. A. angry B. happy C. pleased  D. excited

55. A. little B. more C. less D. important

