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阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词)或括号内单词的适当形式。

Praise can change a person. It is true that 71. ___________(encourage) words can turn our lives around. Praise is really 72. ____________ (magic). Perhaps many of us have such experiences. Take myself 73._______an example. I was very naughty in the primary school. Most of the teachers and even my parents were 74. _____________(disappoint) in me. But it 75. ____________ (happen) that I once got a very high mark in 76.__________ examination and the head teacher 77.___________ (report) this to my parents. My parents praised me and told neighbors about it. I felt really happy 78. _________ became polite to others. Every time I heard others talk to me about my excellent examination result, I thought to 79. ____________ (I) that I would work even 80.___________ (hard) and make greater progress. Just as Shakespeare said, “Our praises are our wages.”

71.______________ 72.______________ 73.______________ 74.____________

75.______________ 76.______________ 77.______________ 78.____________

79.______________ 80._______________









There is no doubt whether the Internet plays an important part in our everyday

life. It can provide people with a life of highly quality. So it can also do harm to

people, especially to teenagers. For an example, things such as violence and cheating

often appear on the Internet, that can seriously pollute their hearts and souls (心灵).

As result, children will gradually lose interest for their studies. Now it’s time for the

government to take some measures (措施) to deal of this problem. Some websites that

breaks the rules should be punished and closed up. As students, we should also protect

us from the bad influence of the Internet.


假如你是李华,你的加拿大笔友Harry 上周写信询问你的体育爱好。请根据以下要点给他写一封回信,内容包括:

你喜欢的运动项目及原因, 如有益于身心健康 (physical and mental health),增强自信 (confidence)等。

何时喜欢上这项运动, 现在参加该运动的情况如何。


注意:1. 词数:100左右。(信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。)

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Harry,

I am glad to receive your letter.


Li Hua


21-24 ADAB 25-28 DCBB 31-32 DCDB 33-35 CDC 36-40 FBDGE

41-45 BDDAB 46-50 CADBD 51-55 CBCBA 56-60 ACACC

61. succeed 62. explore 63.volunteers 64. decorated 65. logically

66. survived 67. medal 68. admitted 69.laughter 70. affect

71. encouraging 72. magical 73. for 74. disappointed 75. happened

76. an 77. reported 78. and 79. myself 80. harder


第一句 whether→that第二句 h→high;

第三句 →But

第四句 去掉前的冠词a;that改为 which

第五句 As 和result之间加a; interest后de for改为in第六句 →with;

第七句 breaks→break第八句 us→ourselves

Dear Harry,

I am glad to receive your letter. Now I’m writing to tell you about my favorite sports.

Of all the sports, I like table tennis best. I think playing table tennis is beneficial to both physical and mental health, as it not only helps to build up my strength and confidence but also brings pleasure to my life. What’s more, it makes me more energetic and effective in my study. I began to show great interest in it at the age of seven. Now I’m on the school table tennis team. To improve my skills, I practice playing table tennis with my teammates and friends every weekend after finishing our homework.

By the way, I’m curious about your hobby. Would you please tell me about it? Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua





