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一 听力

1—5CACBC 6-10CACAA 11-15CBBAB 16-20ACCCA


21—25BABDA 26—30BCDBD  31—35BCABC

36--40B G C A F.


41—45BCADA 46-50CBDAB 51-55CDADC56-60BACBD

四 语法填空

61. a   62. As  63. tasty  64. probably

65. Compared   66. less  67. growth   68. are running

69. it  70. should

五 改错:

Echo, my favorite teacher, is a pretty and slim lady. When she talks to us, she always has

a smile on his face. I think Echo is˄ gifted teacher because she has a lot of good     her                 a

teach methods. Her classes are so full of funs that you will never feel bored. teaching                           fun

To improve our grades, she usually gave us some advice on how to learn                      gives

English well .What’s more, she spends much ˄ her time helping her                   of/much time

students instead of staying with her family. Sometimes, she hardly has any time to have the lunch. Whenever I ask


her questions, she will spare no effort to make me understood, with patience or care. I                               understand


have never seen so a good teacher as her before.


六 写作

Dear John,

How is everything going?

You know, I’m in Grade Three now. A selective test is going to be held next week in our school. Those who pass the test will have a chance to join a winter holiday camp in Oxford University. It has long been my dream to travel abroad and learn authentic English. And the winter camp is officially organized by the British Council. So I treasure the opportunity very much.

Now I would like to enter for the test. However, my family are all against it. As far as I’m concerned, what they care more is my future College Entrance Examination, which I should concern the most. I don’t think it’s a waste of time to take part in the camp. Could you give me some advice? I believe I will benefit a lot from your valuable and timely advice.

I’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua





