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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 20 分)

做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。 录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1.When did the woman finish her draft?

A. A week ago.   B. A month ago.   C. Two months ago.

2.What happened at the charity party?

A. Not many people came.

B. The woman had to leave early to deal with her son.

C. More money was raised than expected.

3.What are the speakers doing?

A. Taking photos.  B. Shooting a film.   C. Trying on some make-up.

4.How do the speakers feel?

A. Defeated.   B. Tired.     C. Excited.

5.What does the woman imply?

A. She expects the man to fix the problems.       B. The man is easy to fool.

C. She will not buy the car.




6.When will the woman have a class?

A. 3:00     B. 3:15.    C. 5:00.

7.What will the woman do after lunch today?

A. Go to work.    B. Go to class.  C. Go to the library.


8.Why is the woman upset?

A. Many things go wrong in the bathroom.

B. She doesn’t have a view of the Pacific Ocean.

C. There is no water in the room at all.

9.What does the man offer to do for the woman?

A. Change her room to 2012.         B. Give her a discount on her current room.

C. Give her a free one-night stay.


10.What skin masks should one use after a sunbath?

A. Those mixed with lemon.   B. Those mixed with orange.

C. Those mixed with cucumber.

11.What season is it now?

A. Winter.   B. Fall.      C. Summer.

12.How does the woman feel in the end?

A. Disappointed.    B. Annoyed.     C. Satisfied.


13.Why won’t the speakers go to Europe?

A. They don’t have enough time.    B. They have been there recently.

C. They can’t afford it.

14.Where do the speakers decide to go instead?

A. The nearby countryside.     B. The city next to theirs.

C. A nature park that is a little far away.

15.How will the speakers go on vacation?

A. By car.  B. By bus. C. By train.

16. What does the woman ask the man to do before they leave?

A. Make a list of what they will bring.       B. Fill up the car with gas.

C. Pay attention to the weather.


17.Why is the man cooking dinner?

A. He wants to show his appreciation for the woman.

B. He wants to celebrate something.

C. He wants to impress the woman.

18.What do we know about the apartment?

A. Another woman lives there.     B. It’s in a noisy neighborhood.

C. It is not very large.

19.What does the woman say about Melanie?

A. She was quite messy.        B. She asked for advice about school a lot.

C. She is good at cooking.

20.What will the speakers have for dessert?

A. Ice cream from a shop.        B. A cake from a bakery.

C. A cake made by the man.

第二部分: 英语知识运用 (共两节, 满分 35 分)

第一节: 单项填空 (共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分)

请阅读下面各题, 从题中所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

21. In France, Sophie Marceau, 36, is one of the top 15 actresses. It's a country where mature women are considered attractive and film mirrors this, _________America's love of fresh faces and glamour.

A. with regard to   B. on account of  C. in contrast to  D. in response to

22. Last Sunday, there were lots of children playing in the park,        parents seated together laughing.

A. whose        B. which        C. their        D. that

23. He rose to his feet and looked forward to _______ the beautiful view of the town and found there was a cinema around ______ he could see a film being shown.

A. enjoying; which   B. enjoy; which

C. enjoy; in which   D. enjoying; in which

24. How long do you suppose _________ Apple launches its new iPhone 7?

A. will it be  until     B. it will be before          C. will it be when      D. it will be that

25. It is generally accepted that those principles that should be stuck to ________ are of great value.

A. succeeding       B. succeed            C. to succeed      D. being succeeding

26. ----Shall I attend my friend’s coming-of-age ceremony, Mum?

----No, ______ you _______you will be home before 10:00 PM.

A. unless; see it to that B. if; see to it that  C. unless; see to it that  D. unless; see that to it

27. ----Sharon, many experts believe that the two pictures are roughly _______.

-----I don’t quite agree. The painting style may look very similar but their painters were born in quite different dynasties.

A. contemporary    B. contradictory      C. conventional      D. conservative

28. _______ for the elderly, the need to take it for walks may be a disadvantage.

A. However good a companion a dog may be

B. Whatever a dog may be a good companion

C. Whatever a good companion can a dog be

D. However a good companion can a dog be

29.  _________ to the association of success with money that the thought of giving up good salary for an idea seemed like a little bit crazy.

A. Most of us are much accustomed   B. So accustomed most of us are

C. So accustomed are most of us    D. Accustomed as most of us are

30. ________ the past, leaving the sadness behind, _____ you’ll see the door of a new bright world open before you.

A. Forget; and  B. Forgetting; and  C. Forget; /  D. To forget; /

31. The proportion of elderly people increase in Britain and medical advances make it possible to keep alive patients who otherwise ________.

A. would die    B. had died  C. should have died  D. would have died

32. As is reported, women with demanding jobs are almost _____ to suffer a heart attack.

A. over twice likely as            B. twice as likely as

C. twice more likely as        D. more than twice as likely

33. With the pressure of being off work ______, Mary seemed to be going crazy.

A. making up     B. taking up  C. picking up  D. building up

34.The doctors almost reached the stage _______they all lost hope, but the patient finally _______ .

A. which; pulled out          B. where; pulled up

C. where; pulled through      D. which; pulled over

35. ---- I was reading A Dream of Red Mansions by Cao Xueqin yesterday, but I couldn’t understand it.

---- ______. It is classical literature, so take your time to enjoy it.

A. Don’t fly off the handle               B. You got me there

C. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart     D. More haste, less speed

第二节: 完形填空 (共 20 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 20 分)

请阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Learning a second language fuels children’s intelligence and makes their job prospects brighter.    36    the fact is, in U.S.A, as in many other English speaking countries, speakers of two or more languages are in the    37   . Eighty-four per cent of US people are monolingual (speakers of only one language). This leaves a small number who    38    to speak two or more languages.

No matter how proud people are of their cultural roots, to speak anything     39    English is a marker of difference here. That’s why fourteen-year-old Umar is    40    when people comment on the fact that he is able to speak Arabic. Umar’s mother points out: “In U.S.A, it’s not    41    for kids to be bilingual. But, if you speak another language to your children in U.S.A, it is thought that you are not helping them to   42   society.”

But in fact, the general    43    among experts is that learning a second language is good for children. Experts believe that bilinguals – people who speak     44    languages – have a clear learning advantage    45    their monolingual schoolmates. This    46    on how much of each language they can speak, not on which language is used,    47    they are learning Arabic, French, Chinese or any other language.

Vinss Millon, a professor of Foreign Language Training, says: “A lot of studies have   ___48__  that children who speak more than one language sometimes learn one language more    ___49   , but in the end they do as well as their monolingual schoolmates, and often better, in other subjects.”

The view is that there is a(n)    50    from the effort of learning another language. A few other    51    agree that “Bilinguals tend to use language better as a whole. They also    ____52__ greater creativity and problem-solving ability, and they learn further languages more easily”.

With all of the benefits, why do we not show more    53    for learning other languages? Parents and teachers    54    in bilingual education say it is pressure from friends at school, general    55    to other languages in English-speaking countries, and problems in the school system that are to blame.

36. A. And     B. So      C. But        D. Thus

37. A. minimum    B. maximum    C. minority       D. majority

38. A. claim     B. pretend     C. decide       D. plan

39. A. more than    B. less than    C. rather than      D. other than

40. A. excited    B. embarrassed       C. disappointed      D. appreciated

41. A. common    B. unusual        C. unique       D. general

42. A. fit in     B. build up        C. contribute to      D. figure out

43. A. distinction    B. commission       C. announcement      D. agreement

44. A. one     B. two     C. three        D. more

45. A. beneath    B. beyond     C. over        D. of

46. A. determines   B. focuses     C. comments      D. depends

47. A. if     B. whether        C. when       D. because

48. A. rejected    B. released        C. revealed       D. reminded

49. A. slowly    B. rapidly     C. easily        D. efficiently

50. A. outcome    B. improvement       C. advantage      D. tendency

51. A. parents    B. learners   C. schoolmates      D. professors

52. A. display    B. produce        C. inspire       D. discover

53. A. concern    B. respect         C. enthusiasm      D. intelligence

54. A. involved    B. impressed    C. competing      D. replacing

55. A. opinions    B. obstacles    C. senses        D. attitudes

第三部分: 阅读理解 (共 15 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分 30 分)

请阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


The right to vote is one of the most fundamental rights of any democracy. Yet, for too long, too many of our fellow citizens were denied that right simply because of the color of their skin.

Fifty years ago this week, President Lyndon Johnson signed a law to change that. The Voting Rights Act broke down legal barriers that stood between millions of African Americans and their constitutional right to cast ballot. It was, and still is, one of the greatest victories in our country’s struggle for civil rights. But it didn’t happen overnight. Countless men and women marched and organized, sat in and stood up, for our most basic rights. For this, they were called agitators and un-American; they were jailed and beaten. Some were even killed. But in the end, they reaffirmed the idea at the very heart of America: that people who love this country can change it.

Our country is a better place because of all those heroes did for us. But as one of those heroes, Congressman John Lewis, reminded us in Selma this past March, “There’s still work to be done.” Fifty years after the Voting Rights Act, there are still too many barriers to vote, and too many people trying to erect new ones. We’ve seen laws that roll back early voting, force people to jump through hoops to cast a ballot or lead to legitimate voters being improperly purged from the rolls. Over the years, we have seen provisions specifically designed to make it harder for some of our fellow citizens to vote. In a democracy like ours, with a history like ours, that’s a disgrace. That’s why, as we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act, I’m calling on Congress to pass new legislation to make sure every American has equal access to the polls.

It’s why I support the organizers getting folks registered in their communities. And it’s why, no matter what party you support, my message to every American is simple: get out there and vote—not just every four years, but every chance you get, because your elected officials will only heed your voice if you make your voice heard. The promise that all of us are created equal is written into our founding documents but it’s up to us to make that promise real. Together, let’s do what Americans have always done: Let’s keep marching forward, keep perfecting our union, and keep building a better country for our kids.

[From Obama Weekly Address Aug 8th , 2015]

56. Many Americans were denied the right to vote simply because _____.

A. they were unwilling to go out and vote

B. they were agitators and un-American

C. too many people tried to erect new barriers

D. the color of their skin was different

