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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



1.Why did he woman call the man?

A.She didn’t know how to use the oven.

B.She wanted her washing machine to be fixed.

C.There was something wrong with the oven.

2.Where are the two speakers?

A.In a plane. B.At the airport. C.At the railway station.

3.What to we learn about Maria?

A.Maria likes collecting postcards. B.Maria has traveled all over the world.

C.Maria is going to visit Hawaii.

4.Why COULDN’T the woman give the man some help?

A.She is quite busy fight now. B.She doesn’t like grammar at all.

C.She is poor in grammar, too.

5.Why does the man say so?

A.He himself doesn’t like country music at all.

B.He thinks many people enjoy country music.

C.He feels bored with anything.




6.Where is the man’s red tie?

A.In the jewelry box. B.In the top drawer. C.On the dresser.

7.How much time do they have before the play starts?

A.One hour. B.One hour and fifteen minutes. C.Forty-five minutes.


8.What’s Mr. Prince’s telephone number?

A.6862-1427 extension 4063. B.6826-2714 extension 4306.

C.6826-1427 extension 4306.

9.When can Mr. Carson ring Mr. Prince according to the woman?

A.In the morning. B.After lunch. C.It is not mentioned.


10.What should a home above all be like for most people?

A.It should be comfortable. B.It should be clean. C.It should be in order.

11.How can a man feel really “at home”?

A.To create a cozy atmosphere. B.To be a do – it – yourselfer.

C.To make a special decoration.

12.Which statement is TRUE according to the conversation?

A.Americans have special bathrooms. B.Americans have more bathrooms.

C.Americans want to have cozy bathrooms.


13.Where is the woman most probably staying?

A.At school. B.At home. C.In the street.

14.On which channel did Linda watch a movie?

A.Channel 8. B.Channel 17. C.Channel 18.

15.What did the woman do after watching a movie?

A.Slept. B.Listened to music. C.Did her homework.

16.How was the coverage of the bank robbery?

A.Disappointing. B.Exciting. C.Lifeless (无趣的).


17.Which part of Japan was struck by the earthquake?

A.The north – east coast. B.The south – west coast. C.The north – west coast.

18.How many people were dead till March 17th 2011?

A.1900. B.5178. C.8608.

19.Who have moved from their hometown according to the text?

A.People in Sendai(仙台市). B.People in Miyagi(宫城).

C.People in Fukushima(福岛).

20.What’s the speed of the tsunami (海啸)before hitting Hawaii and the US West Coast?

A.400km/h. B.800km/h. C.1, 900km/h.

