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高二英语必修三Unit2单元测试:Healthy Eating




第一部分:单项选择(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


1. Once the balance of nature ______, natural disasters are likely to strike in ways beyond


A. is ignored          B. is broken          C. is destroyed       D . is ruined

2.  The Chinese ______ is said to be a healthier one than ______, which contains too much fat.

A. food; the west                          B. diet; that of the west

C. food; that of the west                     D. diet; the western

3.  _______ that your wife and children are complaining about you. You really have spent too much time on your work.  You should _______ your time well between your work and your family.

A. No wonder; balance  B. No doubt; keep      C. No problem; make  D. No way; fix

4.  You boys really _______ on the seats that were reserved for the old and the pregnant when you took the bus here.

A. not ought to have sat                     B. ought to have not sat

C. ought not to have sat                     D. ought not to sit

5.  Fried foods are said to be junk foods but _______, many people, especially young children enjoy eating them a lot.

A. strange enough     B. strangely enough    C. enough strangely    D. enough strange

6.  ________  is what most fat girls dream about.

A. Lose weight and stay slim                 B. Losing weight and staying slim

C. Losing weight as well as staying slim        D. To lose weight together with to stay slim

7.  Driven by _______ what was kept in the box, the boy broke it with an ax when his father was not at home.

A. anxiety about       B. curiosity about     C. doubt of           D. eagerness of

8.  Health experts have already clarified what green vegetables are fit _______ and what are not.

A. to be eaten in raw   B. to eat raw          C. to be eaten raw     D. to eat rawly

9. Remember never to lie to others; if you did, you would have to ______ more lies to cover the lies you have______ .

A. discover; told       B. invent; told        C. make up; said      D. find out; spoken

10. Don’t take a chance to do violence to the law. If you did, you could never ________it.

A. get away from       B. break away from    C. do away with       D. get away with

11. In order to win back the customers, the owner of the restaurant decided to sell his food _______.

A. in a discount       B. with discount       C. at a discount        D. for a discount

12. When reading, you needn’t have to ______ every time you meet an unknown word. Which of the following is NOT OK?

A. look up a dictionary                     B. refer to a dictionary

C. consult a dictionary                      D. turn to a dictionary

13. Their company is said to be _______ and is to ______ protective measures must be taken to prevent our investment from going to waste.

A. in heavy debt; cut down                  B. heavily in debt; close down

C. heavily debted; put down                 D. heavy in debt; get down

14. The man caught ______ our defense works was tried and sentenced to 10 years in prison.

A. to have spied on    B. spying on          C. to be spying for     D. spying with

15. Most smokers say they _______ smoking to some degree but health experts suggest that they had better give it up ______ their health.

A. benefit; for the benefit of                  B. benefit from; with the benefit of

C. receive goodness; in the benefit of           D. benefit from; for the benefit of

16. “ With more and more businesses closing down, it is hard to ______ nowadays.” she said with a sigh.

A. earn one’s living     B. make a living       C. make a life         D. earn one’s life

17. Putting on weight is much easier than ______; the most effective solution to solving weight problems is to have a balanced diet and do enough exercise.

A. lose it              B. to lose it           C. losing it           D. to losing

18. There is no limit ______ learning so we had better limit our time for leisure _____ the smallest but sufficient amount

A. in; in              B. to; to              C. to; for            D. of; to

19. If trees continue _______ at the present rate, it won’t be _______there is no trees for shade.

A. to cut down; long before                   B. being cut down; before long

C. to be cut down; long before                 D. cutting down; before long

20. ---What do you say if we combine our two businesses for more profit?


A. It can’t be better                          B. I don’t think so

C. I think it is not OK                        D. I can’t say anything

21. If one wants to succeed in this society, it is very important and necessary that one ______his ______ and avoid one’s _______

A. develop; strengths; weaknesses            B. develops; strengths; weaknesses

C. develop; strength; weakness               D. develops; strength; weakness

22. When someone _______ at you, it means he is angry or unhappy about what you have said or done.

A. looks             B. glance             C. stare             D. glare

23. Open your mouth and speak. Don’t be afraid _______in front of others; ______ you are only English beginners.

A. to lose face; after all                     B. of losing your face; at all

C. of losing face; after all                    D. to lose your face; above all

24. How can you have your son ______to me like this? I am his mother and you are his father and it is your responsibility to make him behave himself.

A. to talk             B. talked            C. talking            D. to be talking

25. Roasted food such as roasted chicken breast, roasted garlic, roasted carrot and so on ______ said to do more harm than _____ to one’s health.. One reason is that it is hard to digest.

A. is; well            B. are; goodness       C. is; good           D. are; good

