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1.In the  weeks before the Academy Awards ceremony, movie reviewers make predictions about which of the movies and actors ________.

A.have awarded  B.will awardC.are awarded  D.will be awarded

2.________not to drive after drinking, some drivers are still trying their luck, which is really dangerous.

A.Being reminded  B.To remindC.Having reminded  D.Reminded

3.In the past few years thousands of films ________all o ver the world.

A.have produced  B.have been producedC.are producing  D.are being prod uced

4.My mother seems________for a woman her age.

A.enough energetic still  B.enough still energeticC.still  energetic enough  D.still enough energetic

5.My son has gone abroad. I'm looking forward to him ________.

A.return  B.to return  C.ret urning  D.returned

6.He was nominated(提名……为候选人) for the best actor ________.

A.reward  B.scholarshipC.award  D.result

7.________ is true ________ the manager's daughter was injured in the accident.

A.It;that  B.As;thatC.What;as  D.That;that

8.In several parts of the city, cars are not permitted, ________ in the main shopping areas.

A.actually  B.especiallyC.practically  D.averagely

9.I am quite________the plan that we go out and enjoy ourselves on Sunday.

A.in honour of  B.in terms ofC.in view of  D.in favour of

10.In many people's opinion, that company, though relatively small, is pleasant ________.

A.to deal with  B.dealing withC.to be dealt with  D.dealt with

11.The US has put pressure on the yuan, ________China argued that the RMB exchange rate is reasonable and balanced.

A.as  B.while  C.when  D.which

12.The open?air ________ has been put off because of the bad weather.

A.occasion  B.congratulationC.celebration  D.challenge

13.The student________from the training so much that he was________the first prize in the event.

A.benefited; benefited  B.awarded; awardedC.awarded; benefited  D.benefited; awarded

14.—They ________ have prepared for the meeting more carefully.

—But they didn't.What a pity!

A.shouldn't  B.can'tC.may  D.ought to

15.Helen looked at________finished report with ________ satisfaction.

A.a; /  B.the; /  C.a; the  D.the; an


Recently divorced and unemployed,I was on my way downtown to do the rounds of the employment offices.I had no umbrella,for my old one had__16__,and I could not__17__another one.

I sat down in the__18__and there against my seat was a(n)__19__silk umbrella with a silver handle.I had__20__seen anything so lovely.I examined the handle and saw a carved__21__.The usual procedure would have been to__22__the umbrella to the conductor,but an idea__23__to me.I decided to take it with me and find the owner myself.I got off the bus in a downpour and__24__opened the umbrella to protect myself.Then I__25__a telephone book for the name on the umbrella.I called and a lady__26__.

Yes,she said__27__,that was her umbrella,which her parents,now dead,had given her as a birthday present.But,she__28__,it had been stolen__29__her doorstep a month before.

She was so excited that I__30__I was looking for a job and went directly to her house.She took the umbrella,and her eyes were filled with__31__.She wanted to give me a__32__,but—though twenty dollars was all I had in the world—her happiness at regaining this__33__possession was beyond words and I believed accepting her money would have__34__something.We talked for a while and I left.

A week later,I got a job as a sales manager__35__.It might be my kindness that paid off.But who k nows?

16.A.broken up  B.gone awayC.fallen apart  D.faded away

17.A.afford  B.borrowC.find  D.repair

18.A.office  B.busC.theater  D.train

19.A.ugly  B.beautifulC.worn  D.ancient

20.A.even  B.alwaysC.already  D.never

21.A .design  B.numberC.name  D.brand

22.A.turn in  B.show offC.open up  D.carry away

23.A.occurred  B.ranC.struck  D.happened

24.A.firmly  B.suddenlyC.casually  D.thankfully

25.A.read  B.searchedC.got  D.used

26.A.appeared  B.repliedC.answered  D.screamed

27.A.in surprise  B.in panicC.in silence  D.in anger

28.A.assumed  B.addedC.declared  D.announced

29.A.from  B.inC.beside  D.of

30.A.mentioned  B.forgotC.realized  D.remembered

31.A.memory  B.honorC.tears  D.thanks

32.A.gift  B.positionC.hug  D.reward

33.A.expensive  B.commonC.rare  D.special

34.A.bought  B.ruinedC.expressed  D.enjoyed

35.A.immediately  B.naturallyC.hopefully  D.unexpectedly


Former Irish President Mary Robinson was just making a  polite conversation with an Ethiopian(埃塞俄比亚的)teenager about her wedding day.The 16?year?old had already been married for a year.“She looked at me with the saddest eyes and said,‘I had to drop out of school’,” Ro binson said in a telep hone interview.“That conveyed to me the reality,”  said Robinson,the first woman to serve as Ireland's President and former U.N.High Commissioner for Human Rights.“Her life,as far as she is concerned,had more or less ended.”

Robinson said keeping girls in school was one of the most important things policymakers could do to address the coming challenges of an ever?increasing populatio n,predicted by the United Nations to reach 7 billion soon.“European countries are concerned about aging populations,but this is much less of an issue than the huge number of people which we are going to see over the next 40 years when the population goes from 7 billion to 9 billion,” she said.“Almost all of that increase will be in poor developing countries,so that we have a very big challenge.”

Family planning experts worry in particular about the future population explosion in Sub?Saharan Africa.In May,the United Nations projected the world population would reach 9.3 billion in 2050 and 10.1 billion by 2100.Much of that growth will come from Africa, where the population is growing at 2.3 percent a year—more than double Asia's 1 percent growth rate.If that rate stays consistent,which is not certain,Africa's population will reach 3.6 billion by 2100 from the present 1 billion.

Joel Cohen,a professor of population studies at Rockefeller University and Columbia University in New York,said universal secondary education offered a way to reduce population in high birth rate regions.In addition to providing information about birth control,a secondary education teaches women to reduce their own fertility,improve the health of their children and allow them to move from a mindset of having many children in the hope that some will survive to improve the quality of each child's life,Cohen wrote in the journal Nature.

36.In the first paragraph,the author introduces his topic by________.

A.giving an example

B.explaining his opinions

C.describing the poor education system

D.coming straight to the topic

37.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Robinson is happy after talking to the Ethiopian girl.

B.Robinson is a successful expert in population studies.

C.Robinson is worried about the population growth.

D.Robinson encourages female education.

38.What is Joel Cohen's view about secondary education?

A.It provides basic knowledge of health.

B.It reduces aging population.

C.It makes people pay more attention to education.

D.It can change people's parenting ideas.

39.According to the passage,one of the most important ways to control high population growth is to________.

A.let  girls go away from AfricaB.keep girls in school

C.let young girls remain singleD.keep girls in families

