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M:Not really.It gets warm in July and August.That’s the best time to visit the city.Uh,oh.Here comes the rain!

W:It’s raining hard.By the way,how long does it take to reach the hotel,do you think?

M:About half an hour if there is no traffic jam.Would you like to listen to some light music?

W:That would be lovely.

(Text 8)

M:Someone came late last night looking for you.I told him you were out and suggested that he leave a no te,but he didn’t.

W:Late last night?That’s strange.What did he look like?

M:He seemed to be about thirty or so.

W:Was he tall or short?

M:He wasn’t very tall,nor very short.About aver age height,I think.

W:Was he fat or thin?

M:A bit thin,if I remember correctly.Anyway,certainly not fat,but then he wasn’t very thin either.

W:Was there anything unusual about his looks?What kind of face did he have—round,square or long?

M:Let me think...It was rather square,but not very.Or was it?Really,I didn’t notice.It was so late and the lighting wasn’t good.

W:Was he wearing glasses?

M:Was he or wasn’t he?I’m not sure now.You see,I was so tired and sleepy.I didn’t notice.I didn’t pay much attention.

(Text 9)

W:I don’t know if you’ve heard of it,Peter,but some of us are thinking of going to Xi’an in the summer.I don’t know if you’d like to come with us.

M:Well,that’s very kind of you,Jane,but when are you thinking of going?

W:Oh,some time in July.Around the 16th,I think.

M:I see.And for how long—two weeks?

W:Well,we were going to but now one or two of the other students say they don’t have enough money,so it’ll just be a week.You’re interested,then?

M:Oh,yes,very much.Do you know how much it’s going to cost?

W:Yes,about 2000 yuan altogether.

M:Oh,that’s good.Is everybody going?

W:Yes,most of them,not Monica,of course.She’s off to Harbin again.

M:Lucky thing!It must be nice to have parents living in the north.

W:Yes,it must.But if you had a lot of money,Peter,where would you like to go for a holiday?

M:Oh,I’d probably go to Xinjiang,or Tibet maybe.Somewhere far away,anyway.And you?

W:I don’t know really.Perhaps the southwest.

M:Yes,that would be great.

(Text 10)

My mum has always told my sister and me to help others.One day last week I was walking back to my home and I passed by an old lady who seemed to be in trouble.I turned back and asked if she was OK,she explained that she was sick and had to struggle to walk with her shopping bags.I offered to carry her things and walked her back home,but she refused because she didn’t want to give me any trouble.I told her it didn’t matter and her home was on my way home.It was a white lie.As I walked with her she talked with me and introduced herself.I in turn told her my name.She asked if I knew Ray Robert.I was shocked and said yes,that was my dad.It turned out that this lady was my dad’s neighbor who had looked after my dad and his sisters when their mother died thirty years ago.My dad had often spoken of her but I had never met her as she had moved away with her family.It was a lovely moment for both of us.When I got home and told my dad about the incident,it made him cry.I was so moved.I am glad that my small active kindness ended in a chance meeting that meant so much to the two people.









