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11.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.They are boss and employee.

B.They are teacher and stu dent.

C.They are next?door neighbors.

12.How old is the man?

A.He is an old man.

B.He is a middle?aged man.

C.He is a young man.

13.What kind of looking does the man probably have?

A.He has a special looking.

B.He has a good looking.

C.He has an ordinary looking.


14.When will they go to Xi’an?

A.On about June 16th.

B.On about July 16th.

C.On about June 6th.

15.For how long will they stay in Xi’an?

A.Less than one week.

B.More than two weeks.

C.Just one week.

16.Why is Monica going to Harbin again?

A.Because her parents live there.

B.Because she does not like Xi’an.

C.Because she wants to visit her friends.


17.How did the man help the old lady?

A.He took the sick lady to hospital.

B.He carried her bags and took her home.

C.He helped her to find her son’s home.

18.Why did the man tell the old lady a white lie?

A.The old lady didn’t want to trouble him.

B.The man wanted to please the old lady.

C.The man let the old lady believe in him.

19.When did the man’s grandmother die?

A.20 years ago.

B.25 years ago.

C.30 years ago.

20.What did it turn out to be?

A.The old lady was the man’s father’s aunt.

B.The old lady was the man’s father’s neighbor.

C.The old lady looked after the man as he was two.









