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19. Why do Tom’s parents want him to become a doctor?

A. Because a doctor can earn more money.

B. Because a doctor can help people.

C. Because a doctor can work in the hospital.

20. Why can’t Tom make up his mind to be an artist?

A. Because he isn’t sure whether he can support himself.

B. Because he doesn’t know what an art school is.

C. Because he doesn’t want to spend too much of his father’s money.


(Text 1)

W: Oh, no. It’s five o’clock already, and I haven’t finished my homework.

M: Don’t worry. That clock is fifteen minutes fast. You still have time todo it.

(Text 2)

W: I’ve noticed that you got some letters from Canada. Would you mind savingthe stamps for me? My sister collects them.

M: My classmates already asked for them.

(Text 3)

W: Good morning, sir. Can I help you?

M: Yes. I’d like to have a single room with a bath form the morning ofSeptember 7th to the morning of October 10th.

W: OK. We do have such a single room for you.

M: Thanks.

(Text 4)

W: Can I help the next person in line?

M: I just need to send this letter the fastest way possible.

W: Let’s see. We have overnight business service. That takes just two day.

(Text 5)

W: Would you like to come mountain climbing with us?

M: That’s the last thing in the world I ever want to do.

(Text 6)

W: Is there anything worth watching on another channel?

M: I think there’s western film on.

W: Do you mind if we watch it? I’d really like to see it.

M: Wel1, I really wanted to see the baseball game

(Text 7)

M: Mary, tomorrow is your Mom’s 50th birthday, did you remember?

W: Of course I do. How shall we celebrate it?

