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A. A western film.

B. A play.

C. A baseball game.


9. How old is Mary’s mother?

A. Fifty years old.

B. Fifty-five years old.

C. Forty-five years old.

10. What will Mary’s mother receive for birthday?

A. A beautiful diamond necklace.

B. A beautiful skirt.

C. A beautiful shirt.

11. Where will Mary’s family have a special dinner?

A. At a Chinese restaurant.

B. At a fast-food restaurant.

C. At home.


12. What are the speakers doing?

A. Watching a movie.

B. Having dinner.

C. Making soup.

13. What makes the man unhappy?

A. The woman doesn’t cook very well.

B. The woman seldom talks to him at dinner.

C. The woman watches too many commercials.


14. Why does the woman want to sell her house?

A. Because she’s tired of living there.

B. Because she has retired and is short of money.

C. Because she wants to live in the quiet country.

15. How much does the woman want for her house?

A. $ 150,000. B. $15,000. C. $ 115,000.听第10段材料,回答第16至20题。

16. What do Tom’s parents expect him to be in the future?

A. An artist. B. A doctor. C. A teacher.

17. Where is Tom studying now?

A. In an art school.

B. In a university.

C. In a medical school.

18. What does Tom think of studying medicine?

A. It’s interesting.

B. It’s boring.

C. It’s too much hard work.

