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62.The writer thinks that for a student to have a part-time job is probably .

A.a waste of time that could have been spent on study?

B.useful for his future work?

C.a good way to earn extra money?

D.a good way to find out his weak points ?

63.According to the passage, if a students school record is not good, he ____.

A.will be a complete failure in his future work?

B.will not be able to find a suitable job?

C.will regret not having worked harder at school?

D.may do well in his future work ?

64.Which subject is supposed to have no direct value for job hunting??

A.Mathematics. B.English.

C.Technical Drawing. D.History. ?

65.The whole passage centers on ____.?

A.choosing a career according to what one is skilled in?

B.acquiring knowledge by working hard at school?

C.finding ones strong and weak points?

D.developing ones abilities useful in school work ?


This morning, a Virgin Atlantic 747 Jumbo Jet became the first commercial airplane to fly on biofuel. The short flight from London to Amsterdam used a blend of 20% babassu(棕榈)oil mixed with 80% conventional jet fuel.

What was really exciting about the flight was the fact that the engine did not have to be altered in any way for the biofuel to work. While this is a great initial step in trying to reduce CO2(carbon-dioxide) emissions(排放)from airplanes, there are a lot of hurdles(障碍)that still need to be overcome.

First and foremost, unlike the normal fuel used to run airplanes(known as Jet A), biofuel freezes at high altitudes. Also, Jet ‘A’ fuel burns consistently (at the same pace), which means it provides a sale and reliable fuel for long flights – engineers are not sure if biofuel will be able to do the same.

The biggest hurdle to a full biofuel switch is our ability to be able to grow enough crops that can be converted to biofuel. There are two concerns that scientists have in this matter – the first is that the land to grow the extra crops, will come from clearing more of our forests and the second that since it competes with what we eat, the price of food will go up.

However, Richard Branson of Virgin Airlines, envisions that if biofuel starts to replace oil on a greater basis, it will be manufactured from algae(藻类)produced in sewage treatment plants, not from food sources.

Birgin Airlines is not the only one trying to look for alternative fuel sources. Earlier this years, an Airbus A380 used another alternative fuel-a man-made mix of gas-to-liquid, in one of its four engines. The flight was tested by Rolls Royce (manufacturer of jet engines), in partnership with Shell (an oil company). Rolls Royce is also working with Air New Zealand on a similar project.

While a complete switch to alternative fucl may take years, it is very encouraging to see airlines, oil companies and airplane manufacturers all coming together to try to make it happen!

66.Why does Virgin Airlines try to replace normal fuel with biofuel?

A.To cut down the flight cost of the company.

B.To remove some hurdles for the biofuel to work.

C.To reduce CO2emissions from airplanes.

D.To test plane engines on biofuel.

67.Which is NOT true for a full biofuel switch of airplanes?

A.Biofuel cannot run for long flights.

B.Biofuel cannot work at high altitudes.

C.Man has not enough land to grow extra crops for biofuel.

D.It’s not easy for sewage treatment plants to manufacture biofuel.

68.One of the hurdles to be overcome for a full biofuel switch is to .

A.alter the engine for airplanes

B.make biofuel burn consistently

C.open more land to grow more crops

D.develop sewage treatment plants

69.We can infer from the last paragraph that .

A.there is a long way to go for a complete switch to alternative fuel

B.it won’t be long before alternative fuel comes into use

C.airlines, oil companies and airplane manufacturers are reliable

D.alternative fuel has a bright future

70.Which of the following can best serves as the title of this passage?

A.Biofuel-Alternative Fuel Sources.

B.The First Commercial Flight Powered by Biofuel.

C.How to Reducing CO2 Emissions from Airplanes.

D.Vigin Airlines Trying to Alter Fuel Sources.

Part IV Writing (45 marks)

Section A (10 marks)

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Healthy eating, about which there are a lot of fallacies, is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, and keeping yourself as healthy as possible-all of which are regarded as valid arguments and are considered to be achieved by learning some nutrition basics and using them in a way that works for you.

Healthy eating begins with learning how to “eat smart” – it’s not just what you eat, but how you eat. Your food choices can reduce your risk of illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, as well as defend against depression. However, learning the habits of healthy eating can increase your energy, sharpen your memory and stabilize your mood. You can expand your range of healthy food choices and learn how to plan ahead to create and maintain a satisfying, healthy diet.

Eat with others whenever possible. Eating with other people has a lot of social and emotional benefits-particularly for children-and allow you to model better healthy eating habits from others. Eating in front of the TV or computer often leads to mindless overeating.

Take time to chew our food and enjoy mealtimes. Chew your food slowly, savoring every bite. We tend to rush through our meals, forgetting to actually taste the flavors and feel the texture(口感)of what is in our mouths.

Eat Breakfast, and eat smaller meals, throughout the day. A healthy breakfast can jumpstart your metabolism(新陈代谢), and eating small, healthy meals throughout the day (rather than the standard three large meals) keeps your metabolism going and our energy up.

Section B (10 marks)

Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions according to the information given in the passage.

The problem with most surveys about whether people will pay for online content is that they’re conducted on the Internet-and respondents have a special interest in being able to surf the Web forever for nothing. But one of the most surprising results of a new, more wide-ranging survey by the marketing and media information firm Nielsen was that some people are actually prepared to pay.

Nielsen asked 27,000 people across 52 countries if they’d consider paying for Internet content. The answer was a resounding perhaps. Before Rupet Murdoch and other champions of paid content get too excited, thought, it’s worth noticing that 71% of respondents say that content would have to be considerably higher quality than the free stuff before they handed over any cash. If they believed they could get the information elsewhere for free, they’d never pay.

So the puzzle that still remains unsolved for providers is exactly how to provide content unique enough that users can’t get it elsewhere-and once they have produced it, how to protect it, while still promoting it. How do you balance the two Web models; the one where linking is everything, where you want content picked up by other sites, and the one where your content has to be exclusive(唯一的)?

There are encouraging signs for providers in some categories. According to Nielsen, more than 50% people would be prepared to pay for movies, music and games; exactly half would pay for professionally produced video, and a slightly smaller proportion would pay for magazines. On the other hand, fewer than a third of people would be prepared to pay for social media, news or talk radio, consumer generated videos or blogs.

Now for the surprising results, consumers under 20 were most likely to consider paying, while those over 65 were the least likely. This, Nielsen speculatesm may be because younger consumers are platform agnostic: to them, video is video, whether viewed online or via cable TV, for which they alrcady pay. Another explanation: at under – 20, they haven’t got many other financial responsibilities. Or hey, it’s their parents’ money, so what do they care?

81.What is the unsolved puzzle of the providers? (no more than 9 words)

82.List 3 kinds of web content that over half people prepare to pay for according to the passage. (no more than 5 words)

83.According to the majority of respondents in the survey, what are they most likely to pay for?(no more than 10 words)

84.What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 15 words)

SECTION C(25 marks)

Directions: Write an English composition according to the instructions given below in Chinese.



Living alone or Living with Roommates

At the beginning of the new term, there appears a heated discussion among us as to whether we should live off campus or live together with other roommates in the students’ dormitory. Opinions vary from person to person.





