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1) 说明文直白性较强,写作脉络清晰,又没有很多感情因素的掺入,所以就不会有过多的情感词汇,在理解上自然不会有钻不出的“迷宫”。


In 1990, leader of all big nations met in Japan and agreed to reduce 1 CO2 they put into the atmosphere. Ten years 2 , in Nov. 2000, they met again in Holland to assess ( 评估 ) the situation and decided what to do next.

1. A. many B. a number of C. the amount of D. a good many

2. A. after B. late C. later D. soon

3. 议论文



1) 目前对议论文的选材主要集中在夹叙夹议的内容上,所以,议论要依据一定的记叙而进行。

2) 议论文的设题往往多以上下文为基础,利用承前信息或滞后信息,使读者有所依托。

3) 议论文中表达作者态度或看法的词较多,所以,试题中对形容词和副词的考查往往也较多。





1. 以叙为主, 叙议结合;

2. 篇章短小, 意义完整;

3. 首句完整, 主题明确;

4. 结构清晰, 层次分明;

5. 考查语境, 侧重辨析;

6. 实词为主, 虚词为辅;

7. 逻辑推理, 隐于语篇;

8. 常识语法, 每年出现。

四大要素: 词汇 逻辑 语法 常识


二 完形填空解题方法


1. 细读首句,预测主题


2. 跳读全文,领会大意



3. 通读全文,试选答案


While I was waiting for my drink, I realized there were other people in the place, but I sensed ______. A. pain B. loneliness C. sadness D. fear在人多的地方应该是热热闹闹的,但有了关键词but意义就相反了,当然无须过多考虑pain, sadness和fear,选loneliness万无一失。

在阅读全文时,不要忽略连接词、代词、插入语、转折语等的作用。因为这些词往往是改变语境的关键词,具有因果、让步、递进、转折、指代、列举、承上启下的特殊功能。 如:but, yet, however, whereas, while 等表示转折或对比;besides, moreover, what is more等表示信息增加; so, so that, therefore, as a result等表示推理结果。平时练习中要注意分辨这类词的细微差别,这样才有利于保证选项的准确性。要弄清空格处待填的是什么词、起何作用,同时也要注意习惯表达法,语法知识等,从而筛选出符合文意的选项。

4. 细读全文,推敲难题



(一)按词类分: 1.实词 2.虚词 3.词组 1.实词

Everyone wants to be healthy and happy. __1__, illness or accidents may occur without__2__.1. A. Obviously B. Unfortunately C. Naturally D. Occasionally2. A. reason B. information C. warning D. notice Over the last few years manufacturers have been__1__reducing the size and weight of video-cassette recorders to make the equipment more___2___. 1.A.steadily B. constantly C. frequently D. essentially 2.A.valuable B. portable(轻便的) C. selective D. economical 2. 虚词

__1_you have chosen an article to read, you will find the important general information_2__the key facts in the first few paragraphs. 1.A.While B. Once C.As soon as D. Whenever 2.A.with B.by C. for D.at The audience waited__1_silence while their aged speaker searched among his notes_2__the figures he could not remember. 1. A. for B.in C.at D. during 2. A. for B. of C. about D. on 3.词组

He was only fourteen and was not good at swimming__1_.So he _2__into that place. 1.A. after all B. in all C. at all D. for all 2. A. needn’t go B. needn’t have go C. shouldn’t go D.shouldn’t have gone

(二) 按形式分: 1.单纯性选择 2.常识性选择 3.近义词选择 4.近形词选择 5.惯用法选择1.单纯性选择 _1__methods have been used to_2_ the intelligence of every child--dull, bright,or normal.1.A.Valuable B.various C.Unique D.unusual2.A.measure B.describe C.illustrate D.recognize

The tourist paid 700 pounds for the painting,but he_1__that he didn’t know its__2__worth.1.A. promised B. claimed C. admitted D. permitted2.A. practical B. additional C. adequate D. actual

Being much too fat, Stella was advised to_1__her food for each meal,yet,she would have__2_of that.1.A.relax B. reduce C. relieve D. remove2.A.no B. not C. none D. nothing

2.常识性选择 Everyone has seen the Olympic Games at some time---either in Montreal, Barcelona.and everyone knows that_1__started the Games. But most people don’t know the real story.1.A.Greeks B. French C. Americans D. English

One of the most famous statues in the would stands on an island in New York Harbor. This statue is, of course, the Statue of liberty(自由).The Statue of liberty is a(an) _1__who holds a __2_up high. 1.A.man B.woman C.child D.old 2.A.cane B.candle C.torch D.lamp 3.近义词选择

He used to have a_1__of coin-collection, but he has given it up.

1.A.custom B. habit C. hobby D. like The wounded soldier was unconscious but still__1__when taken to the hospital. 1.A.living B. alive C. live D. lively 4.近形词选择

$500,000,000 is a small amount of money__1__the size of the market. 1.A.considered B. consideration C. considerable D.considering It’s wonderful for the fact that the Chinese team won an unexpected gold_1__in Sydney,12 more than its previous best. 1.A.metals B. medals C. models D. modals 5.惯用法选择

It suddenly__1__me that if we want to go on a picnic tomorrow we had better do some preparations this evening.1.A.hit on B. struck C. occurred D. drawn We were almost exhausted before we finally__1__sight of the dilapidated temple which was said to be one of the remains __2__back to the fifteen century B.C. 1.A.held B. caught C. got D. took 2.A.dating B. traced C. going D. returned

(三)按句义选择 Mrs. White aid laughingly that_1__she was so young she should hide her packet in her pocket in_2__a policeman saw it._3__,the little girl did not seem to find this very funny.1.A.as B. for C. while D. though2.A.consequence B. time C. case D. fact3.A.otherwise B. nevertheless(然而) C. Moreover D. Therefore

A credit card is a __1__of identification__2_ which the owner may obtain consumer credit for the _3__of goods or services_4__than paycash.1.A.mean B. means C. methods D. ways2.A.by B.in C. through D. with3.A. production B. possession C. purchase D. property4.A.better B. more C .rather D. right

1__hungry,the people sometimes would kill the animals in the lord’s forest for fuel; _2_ when cold, they might cut down trees for fuel._3_, strong laws were passed in an_4__to protect the forests and the animals.1.A.If B. When C. Once D. After2.A.and B. but C. or D. yet3.A.Besides B. So C. In addition D. However4.A.effect B. effort C. offer D. afford

(四) 按语义选择

People of Burlington are are being disturbed by the sound of bells. Four students from Burlington College of High Education are in the bell tower of the_1__and have made up their minds to_2__the bells nonstop for two weeks as a protest against heavy trucks which run_3_through the narrow High Street.1.A.college B. village C. town D. church2.A.change B. ring C. repair D. shake3.A.now and then B. day and night C. up and down D. over and over

__1_,no one was hurt in the accident,but some passengers suffered from__2__.1.A.Obviously B. Surprisingly C. Fortunately D. Unfortunately2.A.distress B. shock C. failure D. trouble

2)American school children can be seen every day__ white sneakers, blue sneakers, black sneakers and even red ones. 1.A.putting on B. having on C. wearing D. dressing 3)Safe operation means that both the operators and the equipment are 1 from harm. 1.A.kept B. freed C. prevented D. hidden





