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第一节 基础习作




人物:英国人查理德·阿维斯(Richard Avis)





· 借助当地媒体寻找

· 迄今找到32名,其中男性17名,女性15名,来自13个国家

· 职业包括政府官员、运动员、司机、教师、艺术家等

· 计划40岁生日前找到40位同年同月同日生的人

· 打算根据此经历写一本书

* 同年同月同日生的人:time twin





Richard Avis, a British, was born on December 1st, 1974. In order to understand the meaning of successful life in different cultures, Richard, from 2011, began to seek time twins around the world. With the help of the local media, he has already found 32 time twins from 13 countries, of whom there are 17 males and 15 females. Their positions include government officials, athletes, drivers, teachers, artists and so on. Richard intends to find 40 time twins before his birthday and he is going to write a book based on this experience.

第二节 读写任务(共1小题;满分25分)


Oseola McCarty spent more than 75 years washing and ironing other people’s clothes. As a laundrywoman, she was paid only a few dollars each time. Certainly nobody would consider her rich, so they were all amazed when Miss McCarty decided to donate $ 150,000 to the University of Southern Mississippi.

The money was i … me savings. She could save such a zxxklarge amount of money because she lived a very simple life. She never learned to drive, and when she wanted to go somewhere, she just walked. She never flew to anywhere till the donation(捐助),and in 50 years she had been out of the South only once. The house in which she lived was also a rather modest one her last uncle left her. Only after she became known in America did she begin to travel all over the country. Since then, she had been the subject of many interviews and articles and was even invited to the White House.

Her donation was for students who clearly needed financial help. She herself left school in the sixth grade and had never married or had children. She said to the reporters that the idea of helping somebody’s child go to college gave her much pleasure.


1. 用约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 用约120个词就Miss McCarty的捐助谈谈你的想法,内容包括:

(1) 你如何看待她的捐助行为;

(2) 你认为她的捐助对受惠学生有哪些影响;

(3) 如果你自己要捐助,你会选择哪个群体并陈述理由。


1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文的句子。

2. 作文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称。




