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2023-08-02 17:04:41



1. 理清思路


2. 增加词汇量


3. 注重语法和句型


4. 运用修辞手法


5. 练习写作



English Translation: html

Mastering High-Scoring English Composition for College Entrance Examination

English composition is an important part of college entrance examinations. A high-level English composition not only earns extra points for the test takers but also showcases their language expression and logical thinking abilities. Therefore, it is crucial for students to master the techniques for achieving a perfect score in English composition.

1. Clarifying Ideas

Before writing an English composition, it is important to clarify the ideas to be expressed. These ideas may include the theme, viewpoint, arguments, etc. To express viewpoints effectively, transitional and causal words can be used to ensure logical flow in the essay. Furthermore, students should incorporate vivid examples and real-life instances to support their viewpoints, making the composition more concrete and persuasive.

2. Expanding Vocabulary

Having an extensive vocabulary is vital for producing high-level English compositions. Students can expand their vocabulary by reading original English literature, memorizing English poetry, and listening to English short stories. Additionally, students can enhance their writing skills by memorizing exemplary compositions, learning excellent vocabulary, and sentence expressions, enabling them to improve their overall writing proficiency.

3. Emphasizing Grammar and Sentence Structures

Grammar and sentence structures are crucial components of English compositions. Students should focus on learning commonly used grammar rules, such as tenses, voice, and inverted sentences. Mastering these rules ensures more accurate and fluent expression in compositions. Furthermore, students can study common sentence structures, such as complex sentences and adverbial clauses, to enrich the structure of their compositions.

4. Employing Rhetorical Devices

To make English compositions more engaging and interesting, students can employ various rhetorical devices. For example, using metaphors, exaggerations, and parallelism can enhance the expressive power of the composition. Students can also pay attention to using pleasant vocabulary, diverse sentence structures, and various rhetorical methods to create outstanding compositions.

5. Practicing Writing

The final key is to practice writing continuously. Only through extensive writing practice can students improve their writing skills. Students can choose various topics for practice, accumulate materials, and then imitate classic compositions. Additionally, they can seek guidance from teachers, refer to writing guidebooks, and seek professional advice.

In conclusion, mastering the techniques for achieving a perfect score in English composition is a crucial guarantee for students to excel in college entrance examinations. By clarifying ideas, expanding vocabulary, emphasizing grammar and sentence structures, employing rhetorical devices, and practicing writing consistently, students will be able to write excellent English compositions and achieve satisfactory results in college entrance examinations.


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