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上海牛津版初三英语《Amazing things》教案设计



提前做好教学规划,可以帮助教师理清新课时的教学思路,进而提高课堂效率。以下是精品学习网为老师提供的初三英语Amazing things教案设计,希望在老师的教学中能够有所帮助。

教学目标 1. To know more about amazing things 。

2. To express the feelings of surprise。

重 点 To know more about amazing things 。

难 点 To express the feelings of surprise。

教学方法 1.Task-based met hod;

2.Discussion method. 课型 dialogue 教具 1.the multimedia 2.the blackboard

教 师 活 动 学 生 活 动

Teaching procedures

Step 1: talking about what happened to Eddie and Hobo

Do you still remember the two lovely dogs?

What are their names?

Would you like to know what happened to them today?

Today, Eddie and Hobo met an amazing thing. They met a UFO. How will they feel? Let’s try to find out it. First, let’s listen to the tape recorder of the text. And then try to answer my questions.

Listen to the recorder twice.

Questions: 1). What are Eddie and Hobo doing?

2). What did Eddie think it is?

3). What did Hobo think it is?

4). Did Eddie think it is a plane? Why not?

5). Do you think Eddie is a clever dog?

Read the text as the role of Eddie and Hobo.

Act a short play with your partner. (ask two or three groups of students to do it.)

Would you like to see a UFO? Why? Maybe the UFO would take you to travel in space and visit other planet. If it happened one day, it is an amazing thing.

Step 2: welcome to the Unit

(show some pictures to teach the new words)

Actually there are lots of amazing things in the world. Here are lots of surprising things. For example:

1). Do you know if plants can grow without the lightning?

2). Do you know how long it takes to travel from the Earth to the moon?

3). Do you know if you can sneeze and open your eyes at the same time?

4). Do you know who is the tallest man in the world?

5). Do you know how the elephants walk?

6). Do you know if the fish close eyes, when it is sleeping?

Do the exercises on P57. Check the answers

Step 3: Explain some important language points. Do some exercises.

Step 4: talking about amazing animals

I know everyone of you like animals. Some of you have pets in your family. There are also something amazing about animals. Listen to my questions and can you find out which animal it is?

1). Do you know which is the mos t dangerous snake in the world?

2). Do you know which bird can stay in the air without moving?

3). Do you know which dog is the smallest?


