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46. If you want a true friend on the Internet , you can ____________ .

A  tell the people what your name is .      B  meet the people on line alone.

C  write an e-mail about yourself .        D  get your parent’s permission.

47. It’s good for children to ________ on the Internet.

A. give password to others B. get useful knowledge and information

C. give out a credit card number D. go into a chat room as they’d like to

48. The underlined phrase “leak out” in the third paragraph may mean “________.”

A. give away B. leave out         C. give out          D. put away

49. If your parents don’t agree, never ________.

A. read anything on the Internet          B. relax in your free time

C. have a face-to face meeting with anyone you met online

D. treat other people as you’d like to be treated

50. This passage is mainly about “________”.

A. How to use Computers B. Surfing on the Internet

C. Information on the Internet D. Internet Safety Rules


Do you know why different animals or pests (昆虫) have their special colors? Colors in them seem to be used mainly to protect themselves.

Some birds like eating locusts (蝗虫), but birds cannot easily catch them. Why? It is because locusts change their colors together with the change of the colors of crops(庄稼). When crops are green, locusts look green. But as the harvest time comes, locusts change to the same brown color as crops have. Some other pests with different colors from plants are easily found and eaten by others. So they have to hide themselves for lives and appear only at night.

If you study the animal life, you’ll find the main use of coloring is to protect themselves. Bears, lions and other animals move quietly through forests. They cannot be easily seen by hunters (猎人). This is because they have the colors much like the trees.

Have you ever noticed an even stranger act? A kind of fish in the sea can send out a kind of very black liquid (液体)when it faces danger. While the liquid spreads over (散开), its enemies (敌人)cannot find it. And it immediately swims away. So it has lived up to now though it is not strong at all.

51.From the passage we learn that locusts________.

A. are small animals                  B. are easily found by birds

C. are dangerous to their enemies       D. change their colors to protect themselves

52.How can pests with different colors from plants keep out of danger?

A. They run away quickly.                B. They have the colors much like their enemies.

C. They hide themselves by day and appear at night.       D. They have to move quietly.

53.Bears and lions can keep safe because _________.

A. they have the colors much like the trees       B. they move quietly

C. they like brown and gray colors             D. they live in forests

54.Why can the kind of fish live up to now?

A. Because it is very and strong.

B. Because the liquid it sends out can help it escape from its enemies.

C. Because the liquid it sends out can kill its enemies.

D. Because it swims faster than any other fish.

55.Which is the best title for this passage?

A. The Change of Colors for Animals and Pests   B. Colors of Different Animals and Pests

C. The Main Use of Colors for Animals and Pests  D. Some Animals and Pests


In 1993 an unknown American called Clarence Nash went to see the filmmaker Walt Disney. He had an unusual voice and he wanted to work in Disney’s cartoon(动画片) film for children. When Walt Disney heard Nash’s voice, he said”Stop! That’s our duck!”

The duck was the now-famous Donald Duck, who first appeared in 1934 in the firm The Wise Little Hen. Donald lived in an old houseboat(水上住家) and wore his sailor jacket and hat. Later that year he became a star after an eight – minute Mickey Mouse film. The cinema audience liked him because he was lazy and greedy(贪婪的), and because he lost his temper (发脾气) very quickly. And they loved his voice when he became angry with Mickey’s eight nephews(侄子). Soon Donald was more popular than Mickey Mouse himself, probably because he wasn’t a goody-goody like Mickey.

In the 1930S, ‘ 40s and ‘ 50s Donald and his friends Mickey, Goofy and Pluto made hundreds of Disney cartoons. He also made educational films about the place of the USA in the world, and safety in the home. Then in 1966 Donald Duck and his voice disappeared – there were no more new cartoons.

Clarence Nash died in February, 1985. But today’s children can still see the old cartoons on television and hear that famous voice.

56. Who made Donald Duck film? ______

A. Mickey Mouse.                 B. Clarence Nash.

C. Walt Disney.                   D. Pluto.

57. When was the first Donald Duck film made? ______

A. In 1933.         B. In 1934.        C. In 1966.        D. In 1930.

58. Who was Clarence Nash? ______

A. A cartoonist.                    B. Donald Duck’s voice.

C. A film-maker.                   D. A film star.

59. Where do today’s children see Donald Duck ? ______

A. In new film.                  B. At the cinema.

C. On television.                 D. At concerts.

60. The underlined word”audience” in the second paragraph means______ .

A. reads            B. formal interview

C. law freedom      D. the people who watch a film at a cinema



任务型阅读 (每空2分,计l0分)阅读下列短文,根据短文中的信息完成文后表格。(每空一词)

In the past, man did not have to think about the protection of his environment. There were not many people on earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited.

Today, things are different. The world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources too quickly, and at the same time we are polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue like this, human life on earth will not survive.

Everyone realizes today that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet, with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught. We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear and nothing will grow on the land. Yet, we continue to use bigger and more powerful machines to cut down more and more trees.

We realize that if rivers are polluted with waste products from factories, we will die. However, in most countries waste products are still put into rivers or into the sea, and there are few laws to stop this.

We know, too, that if the population of the world continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there will not be enough food.

What can we do to solve these problems?

If we eat more vegetables and less meat, we will easily get more food. Land that is used to grow crops can feed five times more people than land where animals are kept.

The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control.

Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems, we shall have a better and cleaner living place in the future.

The importance of protecting the environment

Problems ◆ More fish being caught.

◆ More    61     being cut down.

◆ More waste products being put into rivers.

◆ More     62     being born.

Causes ◆ The world is becoming too    63     .

◆ Modern methods make the situation worse .

Result We human beings will not survive on the earth.

Solutions ◆ Eat more vegetables and less meat so that more food will be

available  for everyone.

◆ Use modern methods of    64     control so that the population will not grow too fast.

◆ Educate people so that the     65    will be better and cleaner.



1. 第Ⅱ卷共4页,用钢笔或圆珠笔直接答在试卷上。

2. 答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。

听力 :第四节:16        17        18        19          20

任务型阅读答案:61        62       63        64          65

第一节  口语应用。(每小题1分,共5分)


A. I’ve gone to a paper factory.

B. That would be fine.

C. That’s terrible!

D. Yes, of course.

E. Good idea!

F. The river has become very dirty.

G. I’ve been to a paper factory.

A:  Where have you been, Fang Li ? I called you, but you weren’t in your office.

B:  __66__

A:  What did you do there?

B:  I found out that the factory was pouring waste water into the river near it. __67__. Lots of fish have died.

A:  __68__.

B:  Do you think “Greener China” can do something?

A:  __69__ . We can write a story about it to the TV station and the newspaper.

B:  __70__ .  Businessmen are afraid of newspapers and TV stations.

66.            67.             68.             69.              70.



much ,  arm ,  wait,  see,  when ,  spend,  she,  worry ,  have ,  grow

Only Mother Love is true love. It gives everybody everything all his life. ¬¬¬¬__71__you are still a baby, mother takes good care of you as much as possible . In your waking hours she always holds you in her  72. When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look after you day and night and forgets about   73   . When you are   74    up day by day, she feels very happy. When you are old enough to go to school, mother still looks after you all the time. On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on  75  clothes . She always stands in the wind  76      for you back from school. When you hurry  to leave home for school with little breakfast, she always feels  77  about you at home. She usually knows about your study and  78  much money on your school things. When you do well at school, the brightest smile will be    79    on her face.

Mother is always ready to give everything she  80  to her children,  not to receive . What true love that is in the world! We will remember Mother Love for ever.

71.            72.             73.            74.             75.

76.            77.             78.            79.             80.

第三节 根据下列句子的汉语意思和英文提示,完成句子;每空一词。(满分10分;每小题0.5分)

81. 水太脏,我们不能饮用。

The water was ________ dirty ________  ________  ________ drink.

82. 这部电影太滑稽了,它告诫人们不要抽烟。

This film is really ______, which advises people to ______  ______  ______.

83. 我们必须保护好这些树木,让它们不遭火灾。它们已有三百年历史了。

We must _______ the trees _______ fire. They are three ______ years ______.

84. 她在中国所见到的情景使她感到惊奇。

She ________  ________ at  ________ she         in China.

85. 我总是认为学好英语很重要。

I always think       important               English ______.


86  根据提示,写一篇短文介绍张华的变化。词数60 左右。

提示:张华,一个九年级学生。家庭富裕(rich)。过去零花钱常常花在打电脑游戏上。现在,他努力学习,将零花钱大部分捐给UNICEF. 他觉得帮助别人会使他自己快乐。


1—5BACBA    6—10BACAB   11—15CABAB  16.Everybody   17.difficult   18.smiles

19.answer    20.mouth



46-60 D BCCD    DCABC    CBBCD

61-65. trees  . babies.   crowded   birth earth

66-70 GFCDE

71-80  When , arms , hersef , growing , more , waiting , worried , spends , seen , has

81. too, for, us, to 82. fun, give, up, smoking 83. protect, from, hundred, old

84. was, surprised , , what , saw  85 it , to , learn , well.

86  Zhang Hua is a Grade 9 student. His family is rich. He used to spend most of his pocket money playing computer games.. Now Zhang Hua works very hard at school . And he donates most of his pocket money to UNICEF. He thinks helping others makes him happy. .




