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新目标英语七年级上册Unit 9 section B (3a—3b)学案



Jackie Chan

Rush Hour

An action movie


Report:  My favorite actor is Jackie Chan, I really like his new movie Rush Hour , It’s an action movie , It’s successful…….

Ⅳ Finish 3b(比一比,谁写的又快又好?)

Read 3b,and fill in the blanks

Ⅴ Reading (比一比,哪个小组最最棒?)

Look at 3a. Read the article in 3a

①  First , each student reads the article once in your groups .then read together in the groups ,and help each other. Find out the student who reads quickly in your groups .

②  Translate into Chinese one by one in your groups,then answer the questions in p107.(新方案设问导读Ⅰ)

③  Finish the chart

Favorite actor

The name of hisher movie

What kind of movie

Describe the movie

One interesting thing



④  Don’t look at the books, According to the chart  , write something about I and Mike.

⑤ Finish p107(自我检测Ⅰ)

Ⅵ Exercise   P107 (完型填空)

Ⅶ Homework   Recite 3a


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