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H: I’m reading about today’s newspaper.It says every week students in primary

schools have a day without homework. 57

W: I think it’s great. 58

H: That’s impossible.But after the big exam, we’ll also have a long summer

vacation and needn’t do any homework.

W: I’m looking forward to it.Have you made any plans for it?

H: 59 I’m going travelling.But I haven’t decided where to go.

W: 60

H: Good idea.I also hear Taiwan is a nice place.I’ll think about it.Thank you for

your advice.

W: It’s a pleasure.

A.Why not go to Taiwan?

B.We can have more time to enjoy ourselves.

C.No, not yet.

D.How do you feel about it?

E.What are you up to?

F.Yes, of course.

G.I wish I were still in primary school.


