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八年级英语Lesson 101教学知识点讲解



Students ask and answer questions in pairs, then share their answers with the whole class.

Hard-wording means “working with a lot of effort”.

e). Explaining and Practice

Students compare the subjects after the model “not so/as…as”.

Here are some other things to compare.

1. rice, noodles, dumplings, mooncake, porridge, etc ….(not) as delicious as …

2. basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, baseball, etc … (not) as interesting as…

3. elephants, monkeys dogs horses, tigers, lions, etc ….(not) as big/lovely/strong, etc.as…

f). Homework

1. Review the grammar for today.

2. Prepare sth. About “Titanic” (film or the accident).

3. Do exercises on page 127.

g). Summary

Fill in the blanks with proper forms of “rob” and “steal”.

—Have you ever been ?

—Well, yes, I had my watch once, but I wasn’t really ,because I left it in my club. All the same, someone it.

—Yes, though it’s not the same as being of everything you are carrying. Somehow, if something is form the place where you leave it, it’s not so bad as when you are

personally and cannot prevent it.

Keys: robbed, stole, robbed, stole, robbed, stolen, robbed

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初中 > 初二 > 英语 > 初二英语辅导

