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Teaching plan for L86-87 Unit 22

---By Eagle

I. Teaching material analysis

L86,87 is a abridged version of the nevel“A Tale of Two Cities”,written by Chales Dickens, one of most famous novelists in the history of British literature. The “two cities”refers to Paris , the scene of the story, and London, where the hero of the novel spent his remaining years, Its basic plot-theme is Dr Manette’s imprisonmend and its consequences.

The text is designed to develop Ss’ reading ability and know how the novel is developed so as to enrich their reading expericence, meanwhile get the Ss to know sth about the cruel exploitation and oppression done by the French neble to the poor and how the poor resisted in the 18th century.

II. Teaching lmporant points

a. lmprove Ss’ ability of reading comprehension

b. Learn and master the words and expressions, like deed, in publcc, disturb, in peace, make sure of , suffer from.

c. Grasp the main idea of the text and know the relation among the characters. Devetop Ss’ ability of predicting the consequences of the story, or how to arrange a story.

III. Difficulties:

How to understand the details of the story, especially, the time order and the relation among all the characters.

IV. Teaching Metheds

Task-based approach

Communication approach

Paraphrasing and word guessing

Inductive method to help the Ss to grasp the main points of the text.

V. Teaching aids

CAI. Tape recorder


Step. Lead-in

Slide1: a variety of novels(小说)——Jane Ire,war and peace(战争与和平)、Oliver Twist(雾都孤儿)、A Tale of Two cities(双城记)

Activity: free talk

Purpose: to get familiar with Ss and lead in the topic

1. What novel would you like to read?(get Ss’ ideas)

2. Once you choose to read a novel, what’s the first thing you like to do?(Get Ss’ ideas)

3.Present “A Tale of Two cities”and predict the story.

(Background: A Tale of Two cities , written by Charles Dickens, took the French Revolution in the 18th century as the background and the two cities refer to Pairs, scene of the story and London. At that time, the French nobles(贵族) treated the poor of the cities and the peasants badly)


