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沃伦·巴菲特的书里有一句话:“为了让简历好看而工作, 就跟节省着性生活等老了再用一样。”能够进入世界500强企业是多少年轻人梦寐以求的事情,但是当你真的进入这样的企业工作,又能一直这样安逸下去么?




0:11 Wow, what an honor. I always wondered what this would feel like.

非常荣幸。我一直很好奇 这会是什么感觉。

0:14 So eight years ago, I got the worst career advice of my life. I had a friend tell me, "Don't worry about how much you like the work you're doing now. It's all about just building your resume."

八年前,我听到一个 有生以来最烂的职场建议。 有个朋友跟我说, “ 斯科特,别考虑 你喜不喜欢现在的工作, 重要的是简历上好看。 ”

0:25 And I'd just come back from living in Spain for a while, and I'd joined this Fortune 500 company. I thought, "This is fantastic. I'm going to have big impact on the world." I had all these ideas. And within about two months, I noticed at about 10am every morning I had this strange urge to want to slam my head through the monitor of my computer. I don't know if anyone's ever felt that. And I noticed pretty soon after that that all the competitors in our space had already automated my job role. And this is right about when I got this sage advice to build up my resume.

我那时候在西班牙 住了一段时间,刚回来, 进了一家财富500强公司。 我想,“真是太棒了, 我要做改变世界的大事情。” 一开始全是这些想法。 结果没过俩月, 我就发现每天一到上午10点多, 我就控制不住 想用头撞穿电脑屏。 不知道有没有人有同感。 很快我发现 公司里的所有同事, 都已经跟我差不多是同样的表现了。 就是差不多这时候, 我听到了这个为了简历好看的忠告。

0:55 Well, as I'm trying to figure out what two-story window I'm going to jump out of and change things up, I read some altogether different advice from Warren Buffett, and he said, "Taking jobs to build up your resume is the same as saving up sex for old age."

后来,正当我寻思着 从二楼的哪扇窗户跳下去, 绝地重生的时候, 我又从沃伦•巴菲特的书里读到了 完全不同的建议,他说, “为了让简历好看而工作, 就跟节省着性生活等老了再用一样。”

1:13 (Laughter)

1:15 And I heard that, and that was all I needed. Within two weeks, I was out of there, and I left with one intention: to find something that I could screw up. That's how tough it was. I wanted to have some type of impact. It didn't matter what it was.

我听进去了, 这正是我需要的。 没过两周我辞职了, 离开时就一个想法: 我得找个我能搞砸的事做。 最不济也就这样吧。 我想做个有影响的人。 什么影响都行。

1:27 And I found pretty quickly that I wasn't alone: it turns out that over 80 percent of the people arounddon't enjoy their work. I'm guessing this room is different, but that's the average that Deloitte has done with their studies. So I wanted to find out, what is it that sets these people apart, the people who do the passionate, world-changing work, that wake up inspired every day, and then these people, the other 80 percent who lead these lives of quiet desperation.

很快我发现 不是只有我这么想: 原来身边有80%多的人 工作时候都不开心。 我猜在座的各位 都很热爱自己的工作, 但这80%确实是 德勤调查出的平均数据。 于是我就想找出 人们工作态度不同的原因, 是什么让一些人从事着让人振奋, 能改变世界的工作, 让他们每天起床都充满干劲。 又是什么让另外 80% 的人有气无力地在绝望中勉强度日。

1:49 So I started to interview all these people doing this inspiring work, and I read books and did case studies, 300 books altogether on purpose and career and all this, totally just self-immersion, really for the selfish reason of — I wanted to find the work that I couldn't not do, what that was for me.

我开始采访那些做着创造性工作的人, 也读了各种书,做了很多案例研究。 关于目标、事业的书 我看了有300多本, 其实主要就是想一头扎进去, 为了一个自私的目的—— 我想找到一个我非做不可的工作。 那份属于我的工作。

2:07 But as I was doing this, more and more people started to ask me, "You're into this career thing. I don't like my job. Can we sit down for lunch?" I'd say, "Sure." But I would have to warn them, because at this point, my quit rate was also 80 percent. Of the people I'd sit down with for lunch, 80 percent would quit their job within two months. I was proud of this, and it wasn't that I had any special magic. It was that I would ask one simple question. It was, "Why are you doing the work that you're doing?" And so often their answer would be, "Well, because somebody told me I'm supposed to." And I realized that so many people around us are climbing their way up this ladder that someone tells them to climb, and it ends up being leaned up against the wrong wall, or no wall at all.

但当我在做这些事的时候, 越来越多的人开始问我, “ 你对求职这事儿这么感兴趣。 我不喜欢我的工作, 有空一起吃个午饭吗? ” 我说,“没问题。” 但我会先告诉他们, 我当时的辞职可能性是80%。 那时和我共进午餐的人当中, 80% 的人在午餐后 不到两个月就辞职了。 我很有成就感, 不是因为我施了什么咒。 我只是问了他们一个简单的问题。 “你为什么在做现在的工作?” 这些人往往回答我, “ 有人跟我说我适合做这个。” 我才意识到我们身边好多人 都在顺着别人给的梯子往上爬, 结果发现梯子靠错墙了, 或者,根本就没有墙。

2:46 The more time I spent around these people and saw this problem, I thought, what if we could create a community, a place where people could feel like they belonged and that it was OK to do things differently, to take the road less traveled, where that was encouraged, and inspire people to change?And that later became what I now call Live Your Legend, which I'll explain in a little bit. But as I've made these discoveries, I noticed a framework of really three simple things that all these different passionate world-changers have in common, whether you're a Steve Jobs or if you're just, you know,the person that has the bakery down the street. But you're doing work that embodies who you are. I want to share those three with you, so we can use them as a lens for the rest of today and hopefully the rest of our life.

和他们接触了一段时间, 我发现了这个问题, 然后我想, 不如我们组建一个社区, 一个让人有归属感, 包容与众不同的地方, 鼓励人们不走寻常路, 激励人们做出改变的地方。 这个社团后来成了现在的 “活出自己的传奇” 组织。 稍后我为大家简单介绍。 伴随着这些发现,我注意到 充满热情要改变世界的人 都做过三件相同的事, 无论你是史蒂夫•乔布斯这样的人物, 或者是一个 普通的不能再普通的人。 你做的事都在体现你的价值。 我想把这三点和大家分享一下, 希望能对各位今天, 甚至今后的生活都有些启发。

3:26 The first part of this three-step passionate work framework is becoming a self-expert and understanding yourself, because if you don't know what you're looking for, you're never going to find it. And the thing is that no one is going to do this for us. There's no major in university on passion and purpose and career. I don't know how that's not a required double major, but don't even get me started on that. I mean, you spend more time picking out a dorm room TV set than you do you picking your major and your area of study. But the point is, it's on us to figure that out, and we need a framework, we need a way to navigate through this.

想要满载热情地投入工作, 第一步,要成为自己的专家, 了解自己, 因为如果你都不知道自己想要什么,还何谈 “找到” 二字呢。 问题在于没人替我们做这件事。 大学里没有热情、目标、 职业生涯这些专业。 我不知道为啥这些 没被设为双专业的必修, 我甚至都没注意到这些有多重要。 你花在挑选 寝室用的电视机上的时间 都比你选择专业和学习领域的时间长。 但重点是, 每个人的方向只能由他自己决定, 我们需要一个 帮我们走出迷雾的办法。

3:58 And so the first step of our compass is finding out what our unique strengths are. What are the things that we wake up loving to do no matter what, whether we're paid or we're not paid, the things that people thank us for? And the Strengths Finder 2.0 is a book and also an online tool. I highly recommend it for sorting out what it is that you're naturally good at.

所以第一步就要 找到自己的独特优势。 什么事是你每天 一睁眼睛就想去做的, 不管能否从中获得报酬, 而且是对别人也有益的事? 我强烈推荐一本书, 也是个在线工具, 叫做《发现你的优势2.0》, 能帮你找到自己最擅长的事。

4:15 And next, what's our framework or our hierarchy for making decisions? Do we care about the people, our family, health, or is it achievement, success, all this stuff? We have to figure out what it is to make these decisions, so we know what our soul is made of, so that we don't go selling it to some cause we don't give a shit about.

第二步,弄清让我们 做出决定的根本原因。 是因为我们对人类、 家庭、健康的关心,还是因为成就感、成功这样的东西? 弄清自己的各种决定 背后真正的原因, 就能使我们了解最真实的自己。 也就不至于因为本来不屑一顾的理由 而出卖自己的灵魂。

4:35 And then the next step is our experiences. All of us have these experiences. We learn things every day, every minute about what we love, what we hate, what we're good at, what we're terrible at. And if we don't spend time paying attention to that and assimilating that learning and applying it to the rest of our lives, it's all for nothing. Every day, every week, every month of every year I spend some time just reflecting on what went right, what went wrong, and what do I want to repeat, what can I apply more to my life.

第三,就是经验。 我们都一样 每时每刻都在获得新信息, 我们喜欢什么、讨厌什么, 擅长什么、不擅长什么。 如果我们不在意这些信息, 不去消化已知的经验, 并且用到今后的生活里, 那么这些都没有意义。每年、每月、每周、每天, 我都会花些时间反省一下 自己什么事做对了, 什么事做错了, 什么事需要一直做, 有没有更多经验可循。

5:02 And even more so than that, as you see people, especially today, who inspire you, who are doing things where you say "Oh God, what Jeff is doing, I want to be like him." Why are you saying that? Open up a journal. Write down what it is about them that inspires you. It's not going to be everything about their life, but whatever it is, take note on that, so over time we'll have this repository of things that we can use to apply to our life and have a more passionate existence and make a better impact. Because when we start to put these things together, we can then define what success actually means to us, and without these different parts of the compass, it's impossible. We end up in the situation — we have that scripted life that everybody seems to be living going up this ladder to nowhere.

生活中,我们总能听到 觉得谁很优秀的时候,人们常说, “ 啊,杰夫可真厉害, 我真想和他一样 !” 想过为什么感叹么? 打开日记本。 把鼓舞自己的原因写下来。 不是写某某某的回忆录, 任何点滴想法都可以记下来, 时间长了, 我们就有了这样一个信息库, 满载属于自己的生活智慧, 它会使我们充满活力, 更清楚自己是谁、想要什么。 因为只要把这些因素放在一起看, 就不难发现 成功对自己意味着什么, 可如果没有之前的点滴累积, 我们就无法看清全局。 结果可能是—— 死气沉沉地活着, 庸庸碌碌地和别人一样爬梯子, 却不知通往何方。

5:41 It's kind of like in Wall Street 2, if anybody saw that, the peon employee asks the big Wall Street banker CEO, "What's your number? Everyone's got a number, where if they make this money, they'll leave it all." He says, "Oh, it's simple. More." And he just smiles. And it's the sad state of most of the people that haven't spent time understanding what matters for them, who keep reaching for something that doesn't mean anything to us, but we're doing it because everyone said we're supposed to. But once we have this framework together, we can start to identify the things that make us come alive. You know, before this, a passion could come and hit you in the face, or maybe in your possible line of work, you might throw it away because you don't have a way of identifying it. But once you do, you can see something that's congruent with my strengths, my values, who I am as a person, so I'm going to grab ahold of this, I'm going to do something with it, and I'm going to pursue it and try to make an impact with it.

电影《华尔街2》里有几句对话 不知道大家注意没有, 一个日工雇员问华尔街银行家CEO, “你的目标是多少? 每人都有个目标数字, 等赚足这个数,就立马辞职了。” CEO回答: “ 噢,好记,就是更多。 ” 然后就只是笑了笑。 这正是很多人的悲哀之处, 没有努力过了解自己想要什么, 一直追求对自己毫无意义的东西, 只因为别人说我们应该这么做。 但一旦我们综合这些条条框框, 我们就能发现让自己重生的事情。 在某个瞬间我们都曾 和自己的一股激情擦肩而过, 也许就是你想从事的行业的热情, 但这股热情 却因为你没有意识到而与你失之交臂了。 可如果你认出了这股热情, 你就会获得和自己 能力、价值观、人生观一致的目标。 我们得紧紧抓住这个目标, 一定要做点什么, 不断努力实现它, 绝对不能让它凭空消失。

6:31 And Live Your Legend and the movement we've built wouldn't exist if I didn't have this compass to identify, "Wow, this is something I want to pursue and make a difference with." If we don't know what we're looking for, we're never going to find it, but once we have this framework, this compass, then we can move on to what's next — and that's not me up there — doing the impossible and pushing our limits. There's two reasons why people don't do things. One is they tell themselves they can't do them,or people around them tell them they can't do them. Either way, we start to believe it. Either we give up, or we never start in the first place.

“活出自己的传奇”和我们取得的进步 统统都不会发生, 如果我没有意识到 “哇,这才是我想走的路, 我可以做出改变”。 如果我们不知道要自己寻找什么。 我们就永远找不到它。 但是一旦我们有了这个大方向, 这个指路罗盘, 我们就可以走下一步了 ——话说上面那个不是我—— 不过总之,要超越自己的极限, 做不可能的事。 人们做不成事有两个原因。 一个是,他跟自己说我不行, 另一个是,别人跟他说你不行。 不管是哪个,我们慢慢都信了。 或者放弃, 或者压根就不开始行动。

7:02 The things is, everyone was impossible until somebody did it. Every invention, every new thing in the world, people thought were crazy at first. Roger Bannister and the four-minute mile, it was a physical impossibility to break the four-minute mile in a foot race until Roger Bannister stood up and did it. And then what happened? Two months later, 16 people broke the four-minute mile. The things that we have in our head that we think are impossible are often just milestones waiting to be accomplished if we can push those limits a bit. And I think this starts with probably your physical body and fitness more than anything, because we can control that. If you don't think you can run a mile, you show yourself you can run a mile or two, or a marathon, or lose five pounds, or whatever it is, you realize that confidence compounds and can be transferred into the rest of your world.

可如果谁都不行动, 那谁都不可能成功。这世上每一个发明, 每一件新事物, 一开始都让人觉得不可理喻。 比如罗杰•班尼斯特,一英里四分钟, 这一直是赛跑中的物理极限, 一英里要跑进四分钟, 直到罗杰•班尼斯特的出现, 打破了这个“不可能”。后来怎么样了呢? 两个月后, 又有16个人打破了这个极限。 我们觉得不可能做到的事, 往往只是等待我们跨越的一个门槛, 我们要做的只是再向前推进一点。 我觉得也许从体能训练 开始效果最明显, 因为这是我们自己能控制的。 如果你不信自己能跑一英里, 那就证明给自己看, 你能跑完一两英里。 跑个马拉松,减掉五磅肉等等, 你会发现自己的信心越来越强, 这份信心又会渗透到 你生活的各个方面。

7:45 And I've actually gotten into the habit of this a little bit with my friends. We have this little group. We go on physical adventures, and recently, I found myself in a kind of precarious spot. I'm terrified of deep, dark, blue water. I don't know if anyone's ever had that same fear ever since they watched Jaws 1, 2, 3 and 4 like six times when I was a kid. But anything above here, if it's murky, I can already feel it right now. I swear there's something in there. Even if it's Lake Tahoe, it's fresh water, totally unfounded fear,ridiculous, but it's there. Anyway, three years ago I find myself on this tugboat right down here in the San Francisco Bay. It's a rainy, stormy, windy day, and people are getting sick on the boat, and I'm sitting there wearing a wetsuit, and I'm looking out the window in pure terror thinking I'm about to swim to my death. I'm going to try to swim across the Golden Gate. And my guess is some people in this room might have done that before. I'm sitting there, and my buddy Jonathan, who had talked me into it,he comes up to me and he could see the state I was in. And he says, "Scott, hey man, what's the worst that could happen? You're wearing a wetsuit. You're not going to sink. And If you can't make it, just hop on one of the 20 kayaks. Plus, if there's a shark attack, why are they going to pick you over the 80 people in the water?" So thanks, that helps. He's like, "But really, just have fun with this. Good luck."And he dives in, swims off. OK.

我和我的朋友们 已经有点养成这个习惯了。 我们有一小群人,经常一起去冒险, 后来我发现自己有个弱点。 我有深水恐惧症。 不知道有没有人跟我一样, 小时候把《大白鲨》1-4部看了6遍, 那肯定能理解一点。 水只要有这么高,颜色再深点(我就怕了), 我现在都有感觉了。 我觉得那水里面肯定有东西。 即使是太皓湖那种淡水湖我都怕, 没理由,就是怕, 听着挺荒唐,可事实就是这样。 话说三年前,我有次坐了个拖船, 就在旧金山湾这里。 那天是又刮风又下雨, 我们都开始晕船, 我穿着救生衣坐在窗边往外看,怕得不行,满脑子都想着我要拼命游。 当时是打算游过金门海峡的。 可能在座各位有游过这段的人。 我就坐那儿不动弹, 我朋友乔纳森了解我的这种情况, 他朝我走过来,完全看出了我的紧张。 他说,” 嘿,斯科特, 最差还能差到哪儿? 你穿着救生衣。沉不下去的。 实在不行你就爬皮艇上去, 有20个呢。 再说了,就算来条鲨鱼, 为什么它就非得找你的麻烦, 水里有80多个人呢!” 我不得不感谢他,说的太有道理了。 他说:“就是嘛,高兴点,好运!” 然后他就跳到水里游走了。

8:59 Turns out, the pep talk totally worked, and I felt this total feeling of calm, and I think it was because Jonathan was 13 years old.

结果证明,这段打气的话很管用, 我完全冷静了, 我觉得主要因为乔纳森只有13岁。

9:06 (Laughter)

9:08 And of the 80 people swimming that day, 65 of them were between the ages of nine and 13. Think how you would have approached your world differently if at nine years old you found out you could swim a mile and a half in 56-degree water from Alcatraz to San Francisco. What would you have said yes to?What would you have not given up on? What would you have tried? As I'm finishing this swim, I get to Aquatic Park, and I'm getting out of the water and of course half the kids are already finished, so they're cheering me on and they're all excited. And I got total popsicle head, if anyone's ever swam in the Bay, and I'm trying to just thaw my face out, and I'm watching people finish. And I see this one kid, something didn't look right. And he's just flailing like this. And he's barely able to sip some air before he slams his head back down. And I notice other parents were watching too, and I swear they were thinking the same thing I was: this is why you don't let nine-year-olds swim from Alcatraz. This was not fatigue. All of a sudden, two parents run up and grab him, and they put him on their shoulders, and they're dragging him like this, totally limp. And then all of a sudden they walk a few more feet and they plop him down in his wheelchair. And he puts his fists up in the most insane show of victory I've ever seen. I can still feel the warmth and the energy on this guy when he made this accomplishment. I had seen him earlier that day in his wheelchair. I just had no idea he was going to swim. I mean, where is he going to be in 20 years? How many people told him he couldn't do that, that he would die if tried that?


