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4.In the south, one effect to the development of the oil industry might be

[A] a large reduction on unemployment.

[B] a growth in the tourist industry.

[C] a reduction in the number of existing industries.

[D] the development of a number of service industries.

5.Norwegian farmers and fishermen have an important influence because

[A] they form such a large part of Norwegian ideal.

[B] their lives and values represent the Norwegian ideal.

[C] their work is so useful to the rest of Norwegian society.

[D] they regard oil as a threat to the Norwegian way of life.


1.Norwegian 挪威的;挪威人

2.coastline 海岸线

3.recognition 承认;认识;赞赏

4.countryside 乡下;乡民


1.A new law limits exploration to an area south of the southern end of the long coastline; production limits have been laid down (though these have already been raised); and oil companies have not been allowed to employ more than a limited number of foreign workers.



2.With nearly 100 percent employment, everyone can see a situation developing in which the service industries and the tourist industry will lose more of their workers to the oil industry.


3.Farmers and fishermen do not make up most of the population, but they are an important part of it, because Norwegians see in them many of the qualities that they regard with pride as essentially Norwegian.







