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万圣节英语作文:Activities in Halloween



万圣节英语作文:Activities in Halloween一文为大家提供了万圣节范文及重点词汇,详情如下:

万圣节英语作文:Activities in Halloween

Halloween is on the last day of October, it is very popular in the western country. On that day, people will dress in the horrible style, especially for the kids, they will knock from door to door. If people don’t give them the candy, the children will play tricks on them. But in China, more and more young people like to follow this trend, they will play the roles and find some fun. As for me, I’d like to join some activities on the Halloween. My friends always have some funny costumes, so I will borrow one from them. Then we dress together, when night comes, we will come to join the party. We sing and dance. It is such a fun night. Before the midnight, we will get together and take some drinks. We talk about the happy hour. I like these activities.


last day最后审判日; 头天

very popular大受欢迎

On that day在那天

dress in穿着…衣服

from door to door挨家挨户地; 挨门挨户; 沿门挨户

play tricks on捉弄; 戏耍

more and more越来越; 日益; 越来越 ...

young people青年;年轻人;小子

As for me对我来说;依我之见

join the party入党


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标签: 节日万圣节

