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第一部分: 听力(25分)

Ⅰ. 听句子,选择与其内容相符的图画。每个句子读一遍。(5分)

( ) 1.


( ) 6. A. Very well. B. That’s great. C. Good idea.

( ) 7. A. He is old. B. He looks disappointed. C. He’s from the USA.

( ) 8. A. What’s wrong? B. What a shame! C. What’s more.

( ) 9. A. Who are you? B. I hope so. C. This is Lili speaking.

( ) 10. A. A banana, please. B. I’m full. C. I can’t find my keys.

Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确的答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)

( ) 11. What’s the matter with Jack?

A. He is ill. B. He is hurt. C. He lost his ticket.

( ) 12. Does Jane like Beijing Opera?

A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. Yes, a little.

( ) 13. What does Li Hong think of this story?

A. Boring. B. Interesting. C. Moving.

( ) 14. What is Mary worried about?

A. Chinese. B. English. C. Math.

( ) 15. What is Sally doing?

A. She is listening to the music.

B. She is watching TV.

C. She is reading a book.

Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)

( ) 16. How does Bill look?

A. Sad. B. Worried. C. Nervous.

( ) 17. What does Bill like best?

A. Playing volleyball. B. Playing basketball. C. Playing football.

( ) 18. Why don’t Bill’s parents let him play it any longer?

A. Because they want Bill to study hard.

B. Because they want Bill to stay at home.

C. Because they want Bill to do wash their ca r.

( ) 19. Does Bill do well in all his lessons?

A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. We don’t know.

( ) 20. What is Miss Green’s advice?

A. Working harder. B. Talking to his parents. C. Keeping playing football.

Ⅴ. 听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。(5分)

What She liked 21 and was good at it.

What 22 was an important part in her life.

Where Her favorite 23 was Paris.

When Her parents and she will fly to Beijing this 24 .

How long They will stay in Beijing for 25 .

21. __________ 22. __________ 23. __________ 24. __________ 25. __________

