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“It 94______________ over for minutes.” the dentist told him, “It’s all right now. You can leave now.”

“You don’t understand,” said the man, “I came 95____________ you that your house is on fire.”

VIII.改写句子 按括号中的要求完成句子,每个空格填一个单词。(5分)

96.The little boy is watching TV at home. (改为否定句)

The little boy _____________ ______________ TV at home.

97.He likes math because it is very interesting. (就句子画线部分提问)

_____________ _____________ he like math?

98.It is 8 o’clock and the students will have their English class. (改写句子,句意不变)

_____________ ____________ for the students to have their English class.

99.They left for the museum at nine and arrived there at ten yesterday. (改写句子,句意不变)

It ____________ ____________ one hour to get to the museum yesterday.

100.The newspaper tells the people to stay indoors in the thick haze. (改写句子,句意不变)

The people _____________ ___________ to stay indoors in the thick haze in the newspaper.

IX.完成句子 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每个空格填一个单词。 (5分)


Let’s ____________ _____________ our English speech contest.


Talking a talk isn’t _____________ ____________ _____________ walking a walk.

103. 在2012赛季中,广东男篮夺得了他们的第八个联赛冠军。

Guangdong Men’s Basketball Team _____________ ____________ _____________ championship in the 2012 season.


In some western countries some things _____________ often ______________ to use in order to

save money.

X.任务型阅读 阅读短文,按要求完成各题。(5分)

At the moment, it may be difficult to imagine, but many people believe that, by the year 2100, we will live on the planet Mars. Our own planet, Earth, is becoming more and more crowded and polluted. Luckily, we can start again and build a better world on Mars.

First of all, transport should be much better. At present, our spaceships are too slow to carry large numbers of people to Mars—it takes months. However, by 2100, spaceship can travel at half the speed of light. It might take us two or three days to get to Mars!

Secondly, humans need food, water and air to live. Scientists should be able to develop plants that can be grown on Mars. These plants will produce the food and air that we need. However, can these plants produce water for us? There is no answer now.

There is a problem for us to live on Mars. Mars suck us much less than the Earth does. This will be dangerous because we could easily jump too high and fly slowly away into space. To prevent this, humans on Mars have to wear special shoes to make themselves heavier.

Life on Mars will be better than that on Earth in many ways. People will have more space. Living in a large building with only 10 bedrooms is highly possible. Many people believe that robots will do most of our work, so we have more time for our hobbies.

There will probably be no school on Mars. Every student will have a computer at home which is connected to the internet. They can study, do their homework and take exams in online schools. Each student will also have their own online teacher called “e-teacher”.

However, in some ways, life on Mars may not be better than that on the earth today. Food will not be the same—meals will probably be in the form of pills and will not be as delicious as they are today. Also, space travel will make many people feel ill. The spaceship will travel fast, so the journey to Mars will probably be very uncomfortable.


In the first paragraph, we can know ____________ and ____________ people will live on the planet of



In order to live on Mars, people need faster _______________, ______________ that can produce food

or air for people, and special shoes.


What examples are given in the passage about the disadvantages living on Mars?





What’s the passage mainly about ?




提示词:燕子swallow; 鸟巢 nest; 屋檐 eaves; 梯子 ladder






